On analogy or humboldt s dutch connexion
Postprint from Beitr? ge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft - ISSN - On Analogy or Humboldt ? s Dutch Connexion Jan Noordegraaf VU University Amsterdam Abstract In this article it is pointed out that Wilhelm von Humboldt was well acquainted with the writings of the Dutch ? Schola Hemsterhusiana ? The works of this Schola among other things frequently reprinted studies by classical scholars such as L C Valckenaer and J D van Lennep edited by E Scheidius and others were published in the last decade of the eighteenth-century and in the early nineteenth century In the writings of the Schola Hemsterhusiana concepts and terms as ? analogia ? and ? linguae forma interna ? ? innere Sprachform ? are frequently used These concepts are among the key concepts in Humboldt ? s theory of language The question can be put forward to what extent Humboldt was indebted to this Schola Hemsterhusiana as far as his ? Analogie ? concept is concerned Key words Wilhelm von Humboldt Schola Hemsterhusiana Tiberius Hemsterhuis L C Valckenaer J D van Lennep analogie analogia analogy innere Form der Sprache linguae forma interna Introduction Gau? der zuvor nicht zugeh? rt hatte bat den Diplomaten seinen Namen zu wiederholen Der Diplomat tat es mit einer Verneigung Er sei übrigens auch Forscher Neugierig beugte Gau? sich vor Er untersuche alte Sprachen Ach so sagte Gau? Das sagte der Diplomat habe enttauscht geklungen Sprachwissenschaft Gau? wiegte den Kopf Er wolle ja keinem zu nahe treten Daniel Kehlman Die Vermessung der Welt ??Man kann es als einen festen Grundsatz annehemen dass Alles in einer Sprache auf Analogie beruht ? This quote from Wilhelm von Humboldt introduces Itkonen ? s recent book on Analogy as structure and process Itkonen v This is entirely reasonable since it is Revised and expanded section of a paper presented at the Tenth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences ICHoLS X University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign - September For the discussion and information I would like to thank Gerda Ha? ler Frank Vonk and Serhii Wakúlenko A Dutch version was published in A D Variaties op een thema door familie vrienden en collega ? s bij het afscheid van Ad Welschen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam op donderdag oktober ed by Fred Weerman and Els El ?ers CD-ROM Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen Universiteit van Amsterdam and also on http hdl handle net Cwell known that analogy is a basic concept in Humboldt ? s linguistic theory cf Di Cesare In the following brief note I would like to point to a neglected aspect of the provenance of Humboldt ? s idea of analogy As it happens ? analogy ? is also a key term in the linguistic theory of the eighteenth-century Dutch Schola Hemsterhusiana and I shall argue that Humboldt like many of his contemporaries was well acquainted with the writings of this school The Schola Hemsterhusiana When the famous German book collector Zacharias Conrad von U ?enbach - stayed in Amsterdam in
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- Publié le Jan 02, 2023
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- Langue French
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