Custom color themes user guide installing on windows

Custom Color Themes ?? User Guide This download package contains separate XML ?les that you can input directly into Microsoft O ?ce Each XML ?le de ?nes a custom color theme In order to be found and apply these custom color themes into your MS o ?ce documents these XML ?les must be copied to the ? Theme Colors ? folder on your computer They are compatible with both Windows PC and OSX Mac but the locations of the ? Theme Colors ? folder on each system di ?ers Note Color theme installation is a one- time process You DO NOT need to repeat it for each MS O ?ce application Installing on Windows The easiest way to locate the Theme Colors folder in Windows is to open an Explorer window and enter the following text in the location pane at the top AppData Microsoft Templates Document Themes Theme Colors CPress Enter This will open the Theme Colors folder where the custom color theme ?les live Copy all the XML ?les from the downloaded package to the Theme Colors folder as pictured below CInstalling on OSX In OSX MS O ?ce template ?les are stored inside the user ? s home folder in Library Application Support Microsoft O ?ce User Templates My Themes Theme Colors By default the Library folder is hidden in OSX Lion and newer but you can reveal it by holding down Option while clicking the Go menu in the Finder then selecting Library Navigate to the Theme Colors folder and copy all the XML ?les from the downloaded package into the Theme Colors folder Usage With the downloaded XML ?les in place the custom color themes are now available to MS O ?ce applications PowerPoint Word On the Design tab click Colors Click a custom color theme that you want CExcel On the Page Layout tab click Colors Questions Email support slidehelper com C

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  • Publié le Fev 06, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 23.4kB