Labconco labconco chemical guide

Chemical Guide for Carbon Filtered Enclosures CAUTION THIS GUIDE SHOULD ONLY BE USED AS SUPPORTING REFERENCE IN THE DETERMINATION OF A CHEMICAL ? S SAFE USE WITH LABCONCO ? S CARBON FILTERED ENCLOSURE VARIABLES IN CONCENTRATION TEMPERATURES PHASES AND REACTIONS WITH OTHER CHEMICALS CONTRIBUTE TO UNCERTAINTY A THOROUGH ANALYSIS BY THE ON-SITE TRAINED CHEMICAL SAFETY OFFICER MUST BE DONE FOR EACH APPLICATION The data included in the Chemical Guide has been compiled from current public sources The chemicals listed are those included in the U S National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards The general recommendations for ??Compatibility ? of each chemical are an opinion based on the analysis of available data for chemical properties exposure limits odor and ?lter e ?ectiveness New information with the respect to chemical hazards is adopted on a continual basis Information contained in this Chemical Guide may become dated and therefore reinforces the need to research appropriateness for use at the start and at regular intervals For an on-line version of this guide that is regularly updated visit www laboconco com chemical-guide ??Exposure Limits ? documented in the Chemical Guide are for reference only therefore consult the latest regulatory limits that apply to your location and industry Where the Paramount Ductless Enclosure or any of Labconco ? s other carbon- ?ltered enclosures are used with hazardous chemicals a formal Chemical Hygiene program must be established The program should include education training and maintenance to ensure the proper application use and performance of the product Appropriate personal protection clothing gloves and eye wear along with proper handling of chemicals in fume hoods are the responsibility of the user and their employer DUCTLESS ENCLOSURES WILL NOT PROTECT AGAINST ALL CHEMICALS IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS STATED IN THE USER ? S MANUAL MUST BE FULLY REVIEWED AND UNDERSTOOD BEFORE USE FAILURE TO HEED THE WARNINGS MAY RESULT IN SICKNESS OR DEATH ? Labconco Corporation Document Rev E ECO H How to Use this Chemical Guide This guide is designed to provide chemical speci ?c data to assist in determining the suitability of ductless ?ltration for your application This Chemical Guide is not an approved list of chemicals but a tool to help determine suitability You and your safety o ?cer must ultimately determine which chemicals and what quantities to ensure your personal safety Chart Key term exposure limit STEL The STEL is a -minute TWA exposure that should not be exceeded at any time during a workday unless noted otherwise A ??C ? preceding the value represents a ceiling REL Unless noted otherwise the ceiling value should not be exceeded at any time A ??Ca ? preceding the value represents a substance NIOSH considers a potential occupational carcinogen Chemical Name The chemical name found in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA General Industry Air Contaminants Standard and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH Pocket Guide is listed in this column OSHA The OSHA permissible exposure limits

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  • Publié le Jan 24, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 805.5kB