Rio covariance inequalities for strongly mixing processes

ANNALES DE L ? I H P SECTION B EMMANUEL RIO Covariance inequalities for strongly mixing processes Annales de l ? I H P section B tome no p - http www numdam org item id AIHPB ? Gauthier-Villars tous droits réservés L ? accès aux archives de la revue Annales de l ? I H P section B ? http www elsevier com locate anihpb implique l ? accord avec les conditions générales d ? utilisation http www numdam org conditions Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d ? une infraction pénale Toute copie ou impression de ce ?chier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques http www numdam org CAnn Inst Henri Poincaré Vol n p - Probabilités et Statistiques Covariance inequalities for strongly mixing processes Emmanuel RIO URA n CNRS Universite de Paris-Sud Bat n Mathématique Orsay Cedex France ABSTRACT - Let X and Y be two real-valued random variables Let a denote the strong mixing coe ?cient between the two a- ?elds generated respectively by X and Y and Qx u inf t P XI t M be the quantile function of We prove the following new covariance inequality which we show to be sharp up to a constant factor We apply this inequality to improve on the classical bounds for the variance of partial sums of strongly mixing processes Key words Strongly mixing processes covariance inequalities quantile transformation maximal correlation stationary processes RESUME - Soient X et Y deux variables aleatoires reelles Notons a le coe ?cient de melange fort entre les deux tribus respectivement engendrees par X et Y Soit la fonction de quantile de I X I Nous etablissons ici l ? inégalité de covariance suivante et nous montrons son optimalite a un facteur constant pres Cette inegalite est ensuite appliquee a la majoration de la variance d ? une somme de variables aleatoires d ? un processus melangeant Classi ?cation A M S F F Annales de l ? Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques - - Vol é Gauthier- Villars C E RIO INTRODUCTION AND RESULTS Let be a probablility space Given two a- ?elds d and r I in Q P the strong mixing coe ?cient a d is de ?ned by notice that This coe ?cient gives an evaluation of the dependance between d and The problem of majorizing the covariance between two real-valued r v ? s X and Y with given marginal distributions and given strong mixing coe ?cient was ?rst studied by Davydov He proved that for any positive reals p q and r such that l r where ? X denotes the a- ?eld generated by X Davydov obtained C in Davydov ? s inequality has the following known application to the control of the variance of partial sums of strongly mixing arrays of real-valued random variables Let Xi i E L be a weakly stationary array of zero-mean real-valued

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