Sample user x27 s guide notification no 04 2011 dated 22 02 2011
Sample User ? s Guide NOTIFICATION NO Dated - - Assistant B C Welfare O ?cer Assistant Social Welfare O ?cer Assistant Tribal Welfare O ?cer Please read the following instructions before ?lling the online application Note Fields marked with ' ' are compulsory After submission of this form challan will be generated by the system which alone shall be used and candidates have to pay the prescribed fee in any SBI branch APOnline Centre and obtain applicant copy of fee paid challan with journal number details After payment of fee at any SBI branch APOnline Centre on or before candidate has to again visit this website after P M on Next working day and enter the payment details to submit application Please read the respective detailed Noti ?cation before ?lling the online application How to access online application form By typing the APPSC website address http www apspsc gov in in any browser the following screen appears ?g CBy clicking on respective Get Challan button to proceed to ?ll the online form to generate challan Fields marked with ? ? are compulsory How to ?ll the Data Please go through the Detailed Noti ?cation and Userguide before ?lling up the Challan Form After ensuring your eligibility tick the checkbox under Declaration as shown below Fig Enter Name exactly as per your SSC Certi ?cate Avoid dots or hyphen with your initials Instead give space between initials automatically system doesn ? t allow special characters like hyphens and dots Enter Father ? s Husband ? s Name Avoid dots or hyphen with your initials Instead give space between initials Select Date of Birth from the Date Picker Select Gender Enter Address for Communication Select District and Mandal ?g CEnter Pincode Mobile Number Enter Identi ?cation Marks as per your SSC Certi ?cate Select Community if Candidate is BC Select if Creamy Layer or not ?g Provide the Other Details from Sl No to as shown below in the ?gure ?g CIf you choose ? Yes ? for any of the ?elds from Sl No to then enter the length of service in the text box PH candidates Fig There is no reservation for PH candidates for the post of Assistant Tribal Welfare O ?cer If you choose ? Yes ? then tick against the check box and select the percentage of deformity from the list box applicable for post codes and only Quali ?cation Details Choose the respective Quali ?cation and Division University and Date of obtaining Quali ?cation and corresponding optional exam as shown below Fig A If your quali ?cation is not in the list box then chose other equivalent quali ?cation and enter the quali ?cation in the text box Similarly you have studied in the university other than in the list box then choose ? Other University ? from the list box and enter the University Name as shown below CFig B Post Details Choose the post applying for by ticking appropriate box Fig Eligibility Declaration
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- Publié le Sep 25, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 29kB