Sandra e trehub musical universals perpsectives from infancy
Actualité des Universaux musicaux Topics in Universals in Music C CActualité des Universaux musicaux Topics in Universals in Music Sous la direction de Jean-Luc Leroy CCopyright ? Éditions des archives contemporaines Tous droits de traduction de reproduction et d ? adaptation réservés pour tous pays Toute reproduction ou représentation intégrale ou partielle par quelque procédé que ce soit électronique mécanique photocopie enregistrement quelque système de stockage et de récupération d ? information des pages publiées dans le présent ouvrage faite sans autorisation écrite de l ? éditeur est interdite Éditions des archives contemporaines rue Barrault Paris France www archivescontemporaines com ISBN Avertissement Les textes publiés dans ce volume n ? engagent que la responsabilité de leurs auteurs Pour faciliter la lecture la mise en pages a été harmonisée mais la spéci ?cité de chacun dans le système des titres le choix de transcriptions et des abréviations l ? emploi de majuscules la présentation des références bibliographiques etc a été le plus souvent conservée C Musical universals Perspectives from infancy Sandra E TREHUB The search for musical universals continues to be inspired by the pervasive belief in language universals and their innate basis e g Pinker However there are increasing challenges to the notion of language universals and to Universal Grammar in particular Evans and Levinson contend that misconceptions about crosslinguistic similarity have arisen from the consideration of a relatively small set of English-like languages They point out that linguistic typologists have documented important di ?erences in sounds meaning and syntax in the thousands of extant languages worldwide Accordingly they argue that cognitive scientists should be attempting to account for language diversity rather than similarity Other scholars including Christensen and Chater are challenging prevailing notions about the domain-speci ?c biological factors that are presumed to underlie language structure and acquisition They conceive of language as a complex cultural product that has emerged in response to human social needs Syal and Finlay also consider social motivation as critical for the evolution and acquisition of language In the case of music there is general acknowledgement of a universal capacity or disposition for music but much less attention to the diverse ways of expressing that musicality across cultures Blacking Even the boundary between musical and non-musical behavior i e what is music and what is not di ?ers across cultures Nettl In any case the musical universals tentatively identi ?ed to date including octave equivalence ?ve to seven notes per octave unequal-step scales temporal regularity and repetition Dowling Harwood Sloboda are very basic as well as being derived primarily from relatively recent forms of music Moreover these universals focus largely on musical products rather than on behaviors processes or functions Musical universals in developmental perspective If there is a universal disposition for music some signs of that disposition should be evident in early childhood In fact pre-verbal infants are surprisingly capable music listeners Trehub Hannon For example they detect subtle di ?erences in musical pitch and timing Trehub Hannon as well as global pitch
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- Publié le Sep 24, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 181.3kB