Teaching learning guide Name Christelle Pabua Janika Sabanal Rhenea Santos and Jescyn Tan Intended Learners Kids from day care center - years old Date September TEACHING-LEARNING GUIDE General Objective The pupils - years old will be able to identify what

Name Christelle Pabua Janika Sabanal Rhenea Santos and Jescyn Tan Intended Learners Kids from day care center - years old Date September TEACHING-LEARNING GUIDE General Objective The pupils - years old will be able to identify what are the biodegradable and non-biodegradable Malata o Di-malata OBJECTIVES At the end of ?fteen minutes the pupils will be able to Show willingness to participate in activities CONTENT Teaching the proper waste management Enumerate what are some examples of biodegradable and non- biodegradable Will be able to di ?erentiate biodegradable from non-bio Perform proper waste management METHODS Role playing Lecture Demonstration MATERIALS REFERENCES EVALUATION Containers for biodegradable and non-biodegradable Foods Tetra pack juice Biscuit Banana Water bottle Cellophane Papers http policy umn edu Policies Operations Safety ENVIRON MENT PROC html ? Regents of the University of Minnesota May Oral recitation and demonstration C

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