Toefl guide UNIT SHORT CONVERSATIONS Listening for Speci ?c Information WHO and WHAT Speakers of short conversations in Part A of the Listhening Comprehension section usually talk about more than one person This may be confusing since the questions may as
UNIT SHORT CONVERSATIONS Listening for Speci ?c Information WHO and WHAT Speakers of short conversations in Part A of the Listhening Comprehension section usually talk about more than one person This may be confusing since the questions may ask about who does what Make sure that you remember which person does what and do not be confused by the di ?erent people mentioned Strategieses When there are two persons mentioned in the second speaker ? s line distinguish who does what Sample problem On the recording you will hear Man Do you there ? s a new member in the band now Woman Yes I heard Doug recruited Ray as a new guitarist Narrator What does the woman say about the band In your test book you will read A Doug became a new member of the band B Doug was ?red from the band C Ray replaced Doug in the band D Ray was hired as the band ? s new guitarist The woman mentions two people Doug and Ray and they are used to confuse you in the options Doug recruited Ray as a new guitarist means that Ray is the new member hired by Doug Therefore the best answer is D Ray was hired as the band ? s new guitarist CUNIT SHORT CONVERSATIONS Listening for Speci ?c Information WHO WHAT and WHERE Some question in Part A of the Listhening Comprehension section usually ask you to draw conclusions about who the speakers are what will probably happen next and where the conversation probably takes place The answers to these question are not directly started in the conversations However there are clues that lead to the correct answers Strategieses Listen for clues in the dialogs to identify who the speakers are Draw a conclusion about the occupation of the speakers Sample problem On the recording you will hear Man What did I miss during my absence Woman One assignment and a quiz Narrator Who are the speakers In your test book you will read A Editors B Librarians C Teachers D Students The clues my absence one assignment and a quiz in the conversation tell you that the speakers are probably students Therefore the correct answer is D Students Listen to the second speaker to draw a conclusion about what he she probably intends to do Sample problem On the recording you will hear CMan Excuse me you re playing that music much too loud I can ? t get to sleep Woman Oh sorry I didn ? t realize Narrator What will the woman probably do next In your test book you will read A Speak softly to the man B Stop talking too much C Turn down the volume of her music D Play do ?erent music The man says that the woman is playing that music musch to loud The woman says that she didn ? t realize so she will probably turn the volume down Therefore the correct answer is C Turn down
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- Publié le Jan 08, 2022
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