Trumper pdf Chapter Some Celto-Albanian isoglosses and their implications John Trumper University of Calabria Çabej originally posited a small number of Albanian-Celtic-Germanic isoglosses Apart from a more detailed discussion of besa and njerí we highlig
Chapter Some Celto-Albanian isoglosses and their implications John Trumper University of Calabria Çabej originally posited a small number of Albanian-Celtic-Germanic isoglosses Apart from a more detailed discussion of besa and njerí we highlight in greater depth the areal di ?usion of the I-E di ?usion of Albanoid b? rrak? e blert? br and drit? We add in- depth observations on the Celto-Albanian binomial ardracht Old Irish ?? drit? Albanoid where the Celtic terms involved are traceable to Gaulish dercos and uodercos of texts and inscriptions Such isoglosses are developed here and tend to substantiate Hamp ? s view that the Albanoid Urheimat was originally Central-North Europe rather than its present day Mediterranean Heimat Keywords Albanian Celtic Germanic lexical isoglosses Celto-Albanian isoglosses Çabej is perhaps the ?rst systematic attempt to come to grips with the problem of possible Germano- Albanian and Celto-Albanian isoglosses The solution of these would help to establish an Urheimat for Proto-Albanoid groups in Central Europe north of their actual territory Originally Jokl had underpinned isoglosses between Albanoid and Baltic languages Greek and Armenian but had overlooked possible relations with Celtic and Germanic The only case not dealt with by Çabej in those discussed below is that of Bri which he had hoped to resolve in a later moment Çabej Huld criticized these ?rst studies rejecting all the lexical isoglosses except drek? dele and shpen d overall a rather facile criticism for motives I shall try to elaborate Trumper ? JOHNPBEANGJAMEINPS PRUBOLISHOINFG SCOMPANY ??Ho ?e ich an anderer Stelle zu handeln ? https doi org la tru nd proofs ? John Benjamins Publishing Company C John Trumper had suggested other cases such as besa a central topic in Albanian culture There is an obvious connection with Old Irish bés s of similar meaning Old Irish or Late Gaulish bessu Virgil Grammaticus The problem here is that of a possible double origin either from BEND-TUH- ? binding ? or from BEID-TUH- ? persuasion ? ? con ?dence ? etc so that Pokorny in IEW and IEW gave a double listing for Albanian bes? ??a without treating Celtic cognates Both Old Irish béss and Middle Breton boas Ernault are comparable outcomes In fact both Hamp ? s considerations and Çabej rightly conclude that a reasoned choice between BEND-TUH- and BEID-TUH- is not possible even though Meyer had tried to argue in favour of the ?rst Huld in favour of the second BID-TIH- a reduction of BEID-TIH- without much logic or success LEIA B ?? seemed to think that all British Celtic forms were incomparable ??les formes brittoniques sont en tout cas aberrantes ? though only Welsh moes seems to have the wrong vocalic outcome it seems to suggest a Proto-Celtic BAISS - not BEISS - Whichever of the two possible etyma is appropriate it cannot be denied that there is an undoubted relationship between Old Irish béss Middle Breton boas and Albanian bes? More doubtful is the relation of Welsh moes with all these notwithstanding GPC ? s comments probably
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- Publié le Nov 01, 2021
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- Langue French
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