Uae education guide All you need to know UAE EDUCATION GUIDE Every parent ? s essential guide to nurseries schools and further education in the UAE C CUAE EDUCATION GUIDE there ? s more to life askexplorer com CUAE Education Guide Copyright ? Explorer Gro

All you need to know UAE EDUCATION GUIDE Every parent ? s essential guide to nurseries schools and further education in the UAE C CUAE EDUCATION GUIDE there ? s more to life askexplorer com CUAE Education Guide Copyright ? Explorer Group Ltd All rights reserved Explorer Publishing Distribution PO Box Dubai United Arab Emirates Phone Fax Email info askexplorer com Web askexplorer com To buy additional copies of this or any other of Explorer ? s award-winning titles visit askexplorer com Special discounts are available for bulk purchases at askexplorer com corporate While every e ?ort and care has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions it may contain No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the publisher Cwelcome to the UAE Education Guide This comprehensive guide to education in the UAE is the ultimate learning experience ?? whether you are a working parent looking for a nursery place you ? ve moved to the UAE with three kids or you ? ve just had a baby and want to organise a school place early Don ? t waste hours trawling through education websites for information ?? our directory of nurseries primary and secondary schools as well as universities and colleges brings all the information you need together in one place As well as essential contact information we ? ve researched the government rankings curriculums fees facilities locations and available courses As well as a guide to understanding education in the UAE there is information on boarding schools school transport curriculums afterschool clubs and activities CONTENTS EDUCATION IN THE UAE Northern Emirates THE EARLY YEARS Sharjah NURSERIES EXTRA CURRICULAR Abu Dhabi FUN Dubai Sharjah AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Abu Dhabi TERM TIME Dubai SCHOOLS FAMILY-FRIENDLY Abu Dhabi ATTRACTIONS Al Ain Dubai Northern Emirates KIDS ? ACTIVITIES Abu Dhabi Dubai Sharjah Northern Emirates Finally don ? t forget that Explorer publishes a variety of residents ? and activity guides that help you to extract the most from life in the UAE And for the latest updates on education kids ? activities and family matters visit askexplorer com UNIVERSITIES Abu Dhabi Al Ain Dubai DIRECTORY there ? s more to life The Explorer team askexplorer CNURSERIES DUBAI EDUCATION IN THE UAE Curriculums academic calendar and school fees Educational standards and the selection of institutions across the UAE are excellent whether you are enrolling your child into nursery or learning new skills as an adult The emirates are home to various international and government nurseries schools and universities o ?ering top quality education School inspections are now compulsory and teachers do need to be professionally quali ?ed as in western countries Local schools are restricted primarily to Arabic-speaking Emiratis so you will need to enrol your child in a

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