Winxp overhaul guide how to make it look like vista run like lightning and stay productive fast amp smooth

WinXP Overhaul Guide How to make it look like Vista run like lightning and stay productive fast smooth WinXP Overhaul Guide How to make it look like Vista run like lightning and stay productive fast smooth This guide has been heavily updated If you looked this over when it was ?rst released you may want to check it out again Here's how to give your Windows XP installation a complete overhaul It covers updating the interface customizing free software speed tweaks maintenance and troubleshooting All the essential ?les you need are included in the downloadable MB Conversion Package This guide is also located within in case you want a quick reference however updates are done to this online version regularly so there are some di ?erences It should be viewable in Wordpad The package includes Vista themes screensavers games cursors applications Wallpaper user account images screenshots tweaking tools and more It is a single archive split into two pieces due to MB ?le hosting size restrictions Part and Part are two halves of the same ?le You need both to extract and it will use both parts automatically My apologies to those not familiar with RAR ?les or multi-part archives Part KB Mirrors Rapidshare Media ?re MyFreeFileHosting Filecrunch Uploaded to Filehosting Part KB Mirrors Rapidshare Media ?re MyFreeFileHosting Filecrunch Uploaded to Filehosting Use Winrar or zip to extract Guide Contents Preface pg Part One pg Installing the Conversion Package Very useful for those 'downgrading' Vista machines to XP but still wanting to keep the new look and features Part Two pg More Vista-izing with applications Free software both to further enhance the GUI and just to spread the word on productive or enjoyable programs Part Three pg Tweaking and speed tricks Walk-through on the steps I personally take for each old computer I refurbish Gives new life to old hardware Makes an eight-year-old Pentium III MHz with MB RAM very usable with XP even 'fast ' Part Four pg Keeping your newly pretti ?ed machine in top shape A message from a techie to consumers tips on the future and a few warnings on what NOT to do Part Five pg Final words About the author Cstep Preface I'm going to assume a few things at the start here before we begin Firstly that you have a legitimate Windows XP CD and license I don't advocate piracy I usually follow these steps on a fresh install but any computer currently running XP can be used with this guide If your PC is already ?nicky and crawling from years of use skip to Part ?rst Windows must walk before it can run Second that you have all your device drivers installed and are somewhat comfortable around computers I will be as detailed as possible but if you think your operating system is Internet Explorer and call removing desktop shortcuts 'deleting programs' do yourself a favor and stop reading Thirdly this guide was written using Windows XP Professional SP XP Home should

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