Zoom guide Zoom Guide ABCs of Zoom How to use Zoom on your browserOpen the browser of your choice on your Mac or PC and head to the Zoom website to create and manage an account Click on My Account after logging in to bring you to your account details You

Zoom Guide ABCs of Zoom How to use Zoom on your browserOpen the browser of your choice on your Mac or PC and head to the Zoom website to create and manage an account Click on My Account after logging in to bring you to your account details You can schedule join or host a meeting at the top of the screen Click on any of these three options and follow the prompts to set up or join a video call online To join a call you'll need the Meeting ID or name C On the left hand side you'll ?nd a variety of options including the ?rst and perhaps most important Pro ?le This is where you can change your pro ?le picture edit your email or password and make other changes in this settings section You'll also ?nd the option to sign out of Zoom on all of your devices at the bottom of this page Below your pro ?le tab you'll ?nd a summary of your meetings You can start or delete upcoming meetings or review previous meetings at the top C Other tabs on the left hand side include webinars recordings and your settings The webinar feature can only be enabled if you pay for an account and recordings will direct you to enable the feature for you and your meeting participants You'll also ?nd more advanced settings towards the bottom of the left panel including managing users and rooms You can also upgrade your account under Billing or manage your payment information if you've already upgraded to Pro Business or Enterprise CHow to use Zoom Client on your desktop In the Desktop Client you'll ?nd a more streamlined version of these options upon opening The app is organized into four main tabs at the top of the screen Home Chat Meetings and Contacts The Home tab gives you the option to start a new meeting join a current call schedule a future event or share your screen If you have any upcoming meetings for the day you'll also ?nd them in a checklist on the right hand side You can also click your pro ?le in the top-right hand corner at any time This will open a dropdown menu to make quick changes such as switching your availability or pro ?le photo You can also access settings from that menu from any page or by clicking the gear icon in the right hand corner of the Home tab This will open the complete Settings menu Browse through the tabs on the left hand side to make changes In General you can also ?nd View More Settings at the bottom which will open your pro ?le online for complete access to your Zoom account C The Chat tab keeps track of any conversations you have between contacts You can star or favorite conversations for easy access or browse through your recent ones You'll also ?nd Contact Requests if anyone has requested to join your directory Additionally

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