Ladakh studies journal 21 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR LADAKH STUDIES LADAKH STUDIES February CONTENTS Editorial News from the Association From the Hon Sec Henry Osmaston - A Tribute News from Ladakh News from Members Conference Announcement Report Locus
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR LADAKH STUDIES LADAKH STUDIES February CONTENTS Editorial News from the Association From the Hon Sec Henry Osmaston - A Tribute News from Ladakh News from Members Conference Announcement Report Locusts in Zangskar Issues for Debate Réponse à Martin Mills Book reviews Gutschow and Ramble Sacred Landscapes of the Himalaya Thesis review Susanne Fahlén A Woman with Several Husbands New books Bray ? s Bibliography Update no Reproduction and distribution Melong Publications Support Dept of Anthropology and Ethnography University of Aarhus CEDITORIAL As many members will have heard the founder and president of the International Association for Ladakh Studies Dr Henry Osmaston passed away in November at the age of John Bray has written an appreciation of Henry ? s life and contributions to Ladakh studies and the Association I ?rst met Henry in at the fourth IALS colloquium in Bristol Since then and particularly during my years as editor of Ladakh Studies I had frequent opportunities to bene ?t from Henry ? s experience encouragement and support His unfailing and wide-ranging interest in research on Ladakh and particularly the generosity he showed students asking for advice were remarkable Henry had a gentle often humorous way of making sure that the association and its newsletter ful ?lled their purpose Henry ? s advice and hard work for this Association which he was instrumental in creating shaping and directing for so many years will be very much missed On a di ?erent note this issue of Ladakh Studies is the ?nal one for which I have editorial responsibility Part of the task as I saw it was to try and establish a more standardized format and to strive for more regular and more frequent publication intervals On the second count I must admit increasing failure to meet this goal In addition to changes in my professional and personal responsibilities that have made time to work on LS a more scarce resource I think that the kinds of needs a paper newsletter must cover to be of use to the readership has changed quite considerably with the extension of the internet into ever more homes also in Ladakh There are also for that reason undoubtedly a signi ?cant number of changes that my successor Martin Mills will introduce in order to improve this newsletter I wish him well with all his e ?orts CFROM THE HONORARY SECRETARY The years and are proving to be a time of change for the IALS but also of course of opportunity Looking ahead the most important IALS event for is the forthcoming IALS colloquium in Rome from th to th September A conference announcement and call for papers appears elsewhere in this issue Elena de Rossi Filibeck of La Sapienza University who is convening the conference together with her colleagues has been working hard on our behalf Italian scholars have a strong tradition in the ?eld of Himalayan studies and the programme will include a special exhibition of historical photographs by Italian travellers to
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