Literary history in the curriculum

Chapter Title Literary history in the curriculum Book Title What is Québécois Literature Book Subtitle Re ections on the Literary History of Francophone Writing in Canada Book Author s ROSEMARY CHAPMAN Published by Liverpool University Press Stable URL https www jstor org stable j ctt vjfm JSTOR is a not-for-pro ?t service that helps scholars researchers and students discover use and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship For more information about JSTOR please contact support jstor org Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use available at https about jstor org terms This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International License CC BY-NC-ND To view a copy of this license visit https creativecommons org licenses by-nc-nd Liverpool University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize preserve and extend access to What is Québécois Literature This content downloaded from on Thu Aug UTC All use subject to https about jstor org terms Cchapter two Literary history in the curriculum Literary history in the curriculum As has been seen in the previous chapter the function of published volumes of literary history is primarily pedagogical in that they present literature as an object of study that can be classi ?ed whether by genre or by school movement or tendency and framed in terms of its historical development Expanding on Barthes ? s statement concerning the relationship between French literature and literary history ? La littérature c ? est ce qui s ? enseigne ? Véronique Bonnet argues that ? l ? école constitue un appareil transmettant une image normative de la littérature posant un modèle de culture ??légitime ? qui joue un rôle signi ?ant dans le fonctionnement du champ littéraire ? In any former settler colony ? ce qui s ? enseigne ? will re ect two sets of cultural norms of varying degrees of legitimacy In Quebec ? s case this expresses itself in a complex and at times con icted relationship to the literary history of the former colonial centre and a commitment to the development of a distinctive national literature The changing patterns of which literary history ies should be taught in schools and how that material is taught re ect changes in the control of education in attitudes towards cultural legitimacy in pedagogical thinking and in the very concept of nation that has prevailed at di ?erent periods of the twentieth century Literary history in common with all other bodies of knowledge plays its part in transmitting a set of o ?cial values beliefs and structures and like the curriculum within which it is studied it is a product of its time and its place In his re ections on the relationship between the curriculum the nation and postcolonialism George Richardson stresses ? the importance of understanding that school curricula re ect cultural biases and speak from particular

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