cyclist guide lake sylvan park sanford fl sunday oct 9 2011
CYCLIST GUIDE Lake Sylvan Park Sanford FL Sunday Oct th CImportant Pre Event Information Welcome and thank you for joining us in this exciting and inaugural event This guide includes essential resources to ensure that all riders have a safe and enjoyable bike tour Please visit our event website http orlando c ? org cycleforlife and contact our local o ?ce sta ? for additional information If you are a team leader or would like to form a team please talk to your o ?ce sta ? for more information and support See you on the road What you need to know Remember Raise your fundraising minimum on-line and or bring your cash or check donations to a pre-event packet pick up or day of event to turn in All riders MUST raise the fundraising minimum to ride Cyclists have until four weeks after the ride to turn in any additional donations and qualify for great thank you gifts Please read the Fund- Raising Guide included in this packet or our online step-by-step guide at http orlando c ? org cycleforlife for helpful tips on how to meet and exceed the minimum All riders must wear a helmet to ride in the CF Cycle For Life events Check your bicycle for any needed repairs take it to the local bicycle shop for a tune-up Visit http orlando c ? org cycleforlifefor a list of o ?cial bike shops supporting the CF Cycle For Life ride Start training See page for tips and visit http orlando c ? org cycleforlifefor a link to local training rides Bring clothing appropriate for the weather We ride rain or shine C Be sure to train with both water bottle and sports drink Bring your own water bottle to ensure you stay well-hydrated Don ? t forget any medication or medical supplies you may need What to Bring Day of Event Bring any additional monies that you collected Reminder- cyclist must have raised the minimum fundraising amount of to ride A well-tuned bike - A helmet Helmets must be worn by all cyclists There will be no exceptions If you fail to comply with this safety standard you cannot participate in the ride - Your favorite cycling out ?t Jersey ? s are not mandatory just wear what you are comfortable to ride in - At least one full water bottle and a second bottle for sports drink - If there is a certain food you must have or something you have been eating during training you may want to bring some along - Spare tube patch kit pump and tire tools - Cash for bike mechanic supplies should you need repairs Bike mechanics will not charge you the labor just the cost of the products - Personal ID and medical insurance cards - Sunscreen lip balm and sunglasses if you think you ? ll use them - Pain reliever or other vitamins and any medication you are taking What to Expect on the Route
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- Publié le Oct 14, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 57.6kB