Course guide 8 Introduction to OSHA vO IO Lesson Title Page Title Page Text Rules and Guidelines Time Limits and Rules for OSHA Online Pg Courses Quizzes and Final Exam Pg Getting Support Pg Course Completion and Once you successfully complete all the ass

Introduction to OSHA vO IO Lesson Title Page Title Page Text Rules and Guidelines Time Limits and Rules for OSHA Online Pg Courses Quizzes and Final Exam Pg Getting Support Pg Course Completion and Once you successfully complete all the assigned topics and the Final Your OSHA Card Exam you must complete the Course Evaluation as it is required by Pg OSHA to receive your card Also please check that your name and address are correct Your card will be printed with your name as it appears in the training system Your card will be mailed to your address as it appears in the training system The OSH Act and OSHA Hand Outs Pg Lesson Objectives Pg Note Course reference material may be viewed or printed by selecting the Class Guide link next to every topic name on the page that displays all the lessons you must take Please download the OSHA handout as we will refer to it throughout the course In this lesson Introduction to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA you will learn what OSHA is its role in the workplace and employer and employee responsibilities After completing this lesson you should be able to ? De ?ne the OSH Act and the individuals it covers ? Explain OSHA's role and responsibilities in ensuring safe and healthy work environments ? Describe the process of developing safety and health standards Workplace Health and Safety Hazards Pg Each year ? There are over deaths from workplace injuries ? On average workers die every day from job injuries ? Workplace injuries illnesses and deaths cost America over billion PM CThe OSH Act and OSHA The Occupational Safety and Health OSH Act Pg Until there were no uniform rules or regulations for worker protection against safety and health hazards Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health or OSH Act in and President Nixon signed the OSH Act on December to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women The OSH Act enabled a nationwide federal program to protect workers from job-related deaths injuries and illnesses This Act also created OSHA - the Occupational Safety and Health Administration - an agency of the U S Department of Labor OSHA formally came into being on April and OSHA's responsibility is worker safety and health protection The OSH Act Pg Who Is Covered Pg The Occupational Safety and Health OSH Act ? Authorized enforcement of the standards developed under the Act ? Assisted and encouraged the states in their e ?orts to assure safe and healthful working conditions and ? Provided for research information education and training in the ?eld of occupational safety and health The OSH Act covers employers and their employees under Federal Government authority This includes all employers and their employees in the states the District of Columbia Puerto Rico and all other territories under Federal Government jurisdiction Who is Not Covered Pg The OSH Act does not cover self-employed persons or immediate members of farm families

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