Exam guide AWS Certi ?ed DevOps Engineer ?? Professional DOP-C Exam Guide Introduction The AWS Certi ?ed DevOps Engineer - Professional DOP-CO examination validates technical expertise in provisioning operating and managing distributed application systems
AWS Certi ?ed DevOps Engineer ?? Professional DOP-C Exam Guide Introduction The AWS Certi ?ed DevOps Engineer - Professional DOP-CO examination validates technical expertise in provisioning operating and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform It is intended for individuals who perform a devops engineer role It validates an examinee ? s ability to Implement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWS Implement and automate security controls governance processes and compliance validation De ?ne and deploy monitoring metrics and logging systems on AWS Implement systems that are highly available scalable and self-healing on the AWS platform Design manage and maintain tools to automate operational processes Recommended AWS Knowledge or more years of experience provisioning operating and managing AWS environments Experience developing code in at least one high-level programming language Experience building highly automated infrastructures Experience administering operating systems Understanding of modern development and operations processes and methodologies Exam Content Response Types There are two types of questions on the examination Multiple choice Has one correct response and three incorrect responses distractors Multiple response Has two or more correct responses out of ?ve or more options Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the question Distractors or incorrect answers are response options that an examinee with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose However they are generally plausible responses that ?t in the content area de ?ned by the test objective Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect there is no penalty for guessing Unscored Content Your examination may include unscored items that are placed on the test to gather statistical information These items are not identi ?ed on the form and do not a ?ect your score Exam Results The AWS Certi ?ed DevOps Engineer - Professional DOP-C examination is a pass or fail exam The examination is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who are guided by certi ?cation industry best practices and guidelines Your results for the examination are reported as a score from ?? with a minimum passing score of Your score shows how you performed on the examination as a whole and whether or not you passed Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly di ?erent di ?culty levels Version DOP-C P a g e CYour score report contains a table of classi ?cations of your performance at each section level This information is designed to provide general feedback concerning your examination performance The examination uses a compensatory scoring model which means that you do not need to ??pass ? the individual sections only the overall examination Each section of the examination has a speci ?c weighting so some sections have more questions than others The table contains general information highlighting your strengths and weaknesses Exercise caution when interpreting section-level feedback Content Outline This exam guide includes weightings test domains and objectives only It is not a comprehensive listing of the content on this examination The table
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jul 06, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 33.6kB