Ari x27 sstudy guide 1 Ari ? s Study Guide For DAT Domination Preface Since the ?rst publication of this study guide in thousands of students have worked through this schedule with great results including some of the highest scores I ? ve ever seen being

Ari ? s Study Guide For DAT Domination Preface Since the ?rst publication of this study guide in thousands of students have worked through this schedule with great results including some of the highest scores I ? ve ever seen being achieved in The DAT Bootcamp team and I are proud to present to you the newest generation of future dentists the blueprint to an excellent DAT score In this updated study guide you ? ll ?nd the latest recommended materials to use general DAT advice a day-by-day study schedule to keep you on the track to success and a breakdown on how to tackle each section of the DAT Here are some updates for the DAT First a quick look at the latest scope of the test in the DAT Guide does not mention geometry trigonometry or conversions in the Quantitative Reasoning section and have been replaced with ??Quantitative Comparison ? In a previous DAT Newsletter the ADA speci ?ed Quantitative Comparison ??includes but is not limited to conversions probability and statistics geometry and trigonometry ? Therefore please do not neglect trigonometry geometry etc because you heard the DAT was changing All these subjects are still important for you to know to do well on the test My recommendation is to study how we always have and that is the path to the highest score If you continue to work hard and study you will do well and that will always be true Finally quick tips as you prepare for the DAT Create a study schedule that goes over what you need to do day-by-day and stick to it Readjust the study schedule if necessary Take regular breaks Try to study for minutes and then take a break for minutes Take one day o ? a week to relax so you don ? t burn out If you don ? t feel ready to take the DAT reschedule the test for later It was the best decision I made while studying To your success Ari www datbootcamp com ? CIntroduction So you want to dominate the DAT This guide is a combination of everything I have learned about test taking the best study materials and the DAT itself I ? m Ari founder of DAT Bootcamp and in this guide I will outline a study plan that has worked for myself and many other people I ? m going to go through some general DAT advice the recommended materials to use and a breakdown on how to tackle each section on the DAT Before we get started it ? s important to note there are many ways to ace the DAT This is just one way that ? s been used by many students Some students only study - weeks and ace the DAT others like myself take up to months Some students only use their college textbooks and notes while others buy review guides It all depends on how good of a foundation you have in the basic

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