Bibliography 51 Bibliography TARUC P March a recent poll by Social Weather Stations SWS shows that in the fourth quarter of more than half of Filipinos supported its legalization Retrieved December from CNN Philippines http cnnphilippines com news survey-

Bibliography TARUC P March a recent poll by Social Weather Stations SWS shows that in the fourth quarter of more than half of Filipinos supported its legalization Retrieved December from CNN Philippines http cnnphilippines com news survey-pinoys- favor-divorce html ILAGAN L June We cannot deny the reality that there are marriages that turn sour There are marriages that are abusive even violent and there are bigamous marriages We need to address this reality and give couples in these failed marriages the option of divorce Retrieved December from Bulatlat http bulatlat com main divorce-bill-providing-a-remedy-for-women-inabusive-marriages ILAGAN L June The sanctity of marriage is not based on the number of marriages existing but on the quality of marital relationships When a marriage is no longer viable divorce should be an option Retrieved December from Bulatlat http bulatlat com main gabriela-solons-highlight-necessity-of-divorce-as-anoption-for-unhappy- marriages CASTILLO G April Under annulment my marriage is void In divorce you recognize the marriage as valid I think you would respect the sanctity of marriage if you go for divorce Retrieved December from Rappler https www rappler com nation -divorce-marriage- rappler-talk URSUA E February A divorce law will provide a remedy that Article does not Divorce does not concern itself with validity or invalidity of a marriage It terminates a marriage based on a ground that occurred during the marriage which makes the marital relationship no longer tenable regardless of the spouse ? s psychological constitution A divorce law will provide a straightforward remedy to a marital failure Retrieved December from Positively Filipino http www positively ?lipino com magazine why-the-philippines-needs-a- divorcelaw RODRIGUEZ F September the number of VAW cases reported to the Philippine National Police PNP has increased by over in the past years Retrieved CDecember from Rappler https www rappler com move-ph issues genderissues -women-girls-violence-ph LINABAN L June The divorce bill seeks to provide a remedy for couples who have come to a point where their marriage is beyond repair We trust that the bill will especially bene ?t women who are in abusive relationships and want to get out of their marriage but are constrained by the inadequacy of existing remedies concerning the legal termination of marriage Retrieved December from Bulatlat http bulatlat com main divorce-bill- providing-a-remedy-for-women-inabusive-marriages TARUC P March a recent poll by Social Weather Stations SWS shows that in the fourth quarter of more than half of Filipinos supported its legalization In a report released Monday March SWS pointed out that the support for divorce has been growing for the past several years Last year representatives Luzviminda Ilagan and Emmi De Jesus of the Gabriela Women's Party ?led House Bill seeking to legalize divorce in the country In their explanatory note the legislators opined that Even when couples start out well in their marriage political economic and social realties take their toll on their relationship Some are not prepared to handle the intricacies of married life Retrieved December from CNN Philippines http cnnphilippines com news survey-pinoys-favor- divorce html RICHARDS N Divorce can be a positive thing when

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