Brckneretal trcforstrengtheninginbendingandshear authorsfinalversion

Available online at www rilem net Materials and Structures Vol Month Year pp-pp Textile reinforced concrete for strengthening in bending and shear A Brückner R Ortlepp and M Curbach Institute of Concrete Structures Dresden University of Technology Germany Received Day Month Year accepted Day Month Year ABSTRACT Using test results it is demonstrated how thin layers of concrete with textile reinforcement can be used for strengthening for reinforced concrete RC members The enhancement of bending capacity is illustrated with exural strengthened RC- slabs It is also established that the shear capacity may be increased through strengthening of RC-beams and that properties of serviceability are improved in particular the reduction of de ections and crack widths The detailed problem of force transfer from the textile reinforced strengthening layer to the existing concrete of RC-members is then explained and subsequently the relation between the transferable bond force and the associated bond length is shown A simple model for dimensioning the exural strengthening of RC-slabs is presented and necessary model extensions are additionally pointed out - ? RILEM All rights reserved RÉSUMÉ Il est montré avec les résultats d ? essai que les minces couches avec une armature textile peuvent être utilisée pour un renforcement des éléments de construction en béton armé Par les plaques il est prouvé l ? agrandissement de la capacité à la exion Il est montré pareillement que la capacité au cisaillement peut être agrandie avec un renforcement des poutres en béton armé Il se montre que la qualité d ? état de service peut être boni ?ée Ce sont surtout les èches réduites et les larges de ?ssure plus petits Le détail de la transmission de la force du renforcement armé textile au vieux béton est expliqué et le rapport entre la force d ? adhérence transférable et la longueur d ? ancrage adéquat est montré Un simple modèle de dimensionnement de la section transversale pour les plaques renforcées avec béton armé textile est présenté et c ? est indiquer les élargissements nécessaires INTRODUCTION Textile reinforced concrete is a relatively new and sophisticated composite material It generally comprises a cementitious matrix and alkali-resistant AR glass ?bre reinforcement although the reinforcement may also consist of any other ?bre material for example carbon ?bres In contrast to steel reinforcement the single AR glass or carbon ?bres in the textile can be positioned in almost any direction and subsequently nearly perfectly adopted to the orientation of the applied load It is thus possible to create an extremely e ?ective reinforcement The textile reinforcement is built in as a multiaxial fabric The ?bres can be arranged on top of each other in di ?erent directions with a maximum of four layers High strength ?ne grained concrete with a maximum aggregate size of mm is used as a matrix - ? RILEM All rights reserved doi Due to the very small diameter of the reinforcement it is possible to get new very thin concrete elements as applications for the new material The diameter

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