Mckenley 1 WILLIAM MCKINLEY BY JJ BERGER CEARLY LIFE ? He was born January ? And Attended college to become school teacher CMILITARY LIFE BEGINS ? McKinley sided with union army ? Became a brevet major for volunteers CCAREER ? After the war McKinley studi

WILLIAM MCKINLEY BY JJ BERGER CEARLY LIFE ? He was born January ? And Attended college to become school teacher CMILITARY LIFE BEGINS ? McKinley sided with union army ? Became a brevet major for volunteers CCAREER ? After the war McKinley studied law ? And married Ida saxton ? But before she died he catered her CPOLITICS YEARS ? McKinley entered politics in ? And became a republican in congress ? And won the election ? had two terms as a president years CTHE WAR ? The us wanted interfere with Cuba and Spain but McKinley did no want to intervene ? So when the U S S man was suppose to be blown by Spain ? Enraged McKinley declared war on Spain CCITATIONS ? http www biography com people william-mckinley- ? William McKinley Biography ? Biography com Editors ? The Biography com website ? A E Television Networks C

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