Compressed air guide CWelcome to the World of PIONEER Innovative Nature PIONEER Air Systems was slar ed in Spring of It was a l ime of deep recession lor American industry Out of necessity we sought jobs thai most of our competitors did nol want to or cou

CWelcome to the World of PIONEER Innovative Nature PIONEER Air Systems was slar ed in Spring of It was a l ime of deep recession lor American industry Out of necessity we sought jobs thai most of our competitors did nol want to or could nol handle Soon working with special products thinking di ?erent Iy and helping customers to solve their problems became second nature to us This al- titude gave birth to our slogan N onS l andard equipment is our specialty Among lhe industry ? rsts introduced by PIONEER are ADA After Cooler Dryer and Reheater Systems Patented Triple Tube Heal Exchangers MR GOOD AlAE Systems PERFECT-AlAE Systems Multi-Stage Deliquescent and Refrigerant Dryers deliver up - ' F PDP FUTURE-AlAE Hybrid Regenerative and Refrigerant Dryers Oil-Free Air Systems tn a lew years PIONEER has become not only a major manufacturer but a leader in the ?eld of compressed air Today there are over PIONEER products and systems in the ?eld helping users solve their problems Awards and Patents PIONEER has won numerous awards and patents including U S Patent No for Triple Tube Design heat exchanger U S Patent No for High E ?ciency air drying system U S Patent No lor a High E ?ciency coalescing medium Top Honor Vaaler Award for FUTUAE AlAE System Engineering Assistance PIONEER designers engineers application engineers inside sates sta ? regional sales representatives and factory-trained distributor sales engineers are all available to work with you in selecting and sizing the most appropriate products fo r your compressed air system Our service personnel with in-depth factory training and ?eld experience are available lor factory start-ups and service after the sale They w ill help you achieve reliable pertor- mance and maximum bene ?ts from PIONEER products Availability of Products The full line of PIONEER products are available through a network of authorized distributors in major cities and marketing areas Call the PIONEER factory to locate the authorized distributOf nearest you Disclaimer The information in this booklet has been carefully prepared however PIONEER its employees and its o ?cers make no warrantie s respecting it and disclaim any responsibility or liability of any kind for any loss or damage as a consequence of anyone's use or reliance uporl such information We encourage veri ?cation and further invesligalion of the information contained herein Acknowledgements Richard Harlan Earl Brooks Patricia Abbott and other PIONEER employees have been very helpful in preparation of this manual Joie Rose and Mitch Brooks of Visual Impact have been very diligent and cooperative in layout and design of this manual I sincerely thank them for their eUorts I dedicate this publication to my parents Sam Basseen M S ? ? President C E O PIONEER AIR SYSTEMS INC Wartburg TN January PIONEER - AN INNOVATIVE COMPANY CThiS manual is wrillen as a guide for professionals working in the ?eld of compressed air It o ?ers helpful Information on the selection sizing and installation of proper equip ment for your

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