Cpa program guide CPA PROGRAM GUIDE Semester v CCPA PROGRAM GUIDE Semester Version revised ? CPA Australia CContents General information Contacts Important dates - Error Exams Bookmark not de ?ned Exam scheduling Reasonable adjustments - exam arrangements

CPA PROGRAM GUIDE Semester v CCPA PROGRAM GUIDE Semester Version revised ? CPA Australia CContents General information Contacts Important dates - Error Exams Bookmark not de ?ned Exam scheduling Reasonable adjustments - exam arrangements CPA Program ?? education component Overview Objectives Distance learning and independent study Content and materials Internet access Assessment Additional learning resources CPA Program structure from Semester Structure Admission policy Exemptions Deadline to complete CPA Program and advance to CPA status Candidates admitted from July onwards Candidates admitted from January up to and including June Enrolment Enrolment regulations Enrolment procedure CPD enrolment Enrolment fee CPA Australia scholarships Con ?rmation of enrolment Exam scheduling Changing enrolment to an alternative subject Exam structure Past exam papers Exam deferral Deferral fees Applying for an exam deferral Special consideration for exams Applying for special consideration Exam results Release dates and access Grades Results and queries CPA Program ?? practical experience requirement Cancellation of subject enrolment Refund of enrolment fee upon cancellation of subject enrolment Delivery of study guides Reasonable adjustments ?? study guides Replacement guides CGeneral information Since the CPA Program has undergone many changes to maintain its relevance to the business world and to ensure CPAs are equipped to be strategic business leaders The CPA Program continues to be recognised as a leading professional program and receives strong endorsement by employers The CPA Program is o ?ered globally and last year there were more than CPA Program exams across countries and overseas territories CPA Australia has over members across countries Collectively around per cent of our members hold senior leadership roles including more than members at CEO or CFO level or in business ownership roles The CPA Program will ensure you develop the appropriate skills knowledge and values of a CPA through your exposure to a combination of accounting knowledge with strategic thinking and practical experience Once you complete the CPA Program you will be joining one of the most globally recognised accountancy designations The CPA Program Guide the Guide contains information you need about the structure of the CPA Program its administrative arrangements contact details and other important features The Guide has been divided into sections to make it easier to ?nd information relevant to you Please use the bookmarks and the links included throughout the Guide to ? click through ? to the relevant section of information As a CPA Program candidate it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the contents of this Guide and keep it handy at all times Best wishes with your studies CContacts Use the links below to access information about each point in the relevant section of the Guide If you have any questions after reading this information please contact CPA Australia as detailed below Types of queries Contact For queries about ? Con ?rmation of enrolment ? Delivery or replacement of study guides ? Exam scheduling and rescheduling ? Reasonable adjustments ?? study guides and exam arrangements ? Cancellation of enrolment ? Exam deferral ? Special consideration ? Accessing exam results

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