Lift guide 1 LOAD CHART RIGGING LEARNING GUIDE MOBILE HYDRAULIC CRANE Tonnes Under Grove RT CraneSafe Certi ?cation Mobile Hydraulic Tonnes Under LEARNING GUIDE LCR MH GVRT LG Q June CraneSafe Certi ?cation Fulford Harbour Group Tel www fulford ca Load Ch

LOAD CHART RIGGING LEARNING GUIDE MOBILE HYDRAULIC CRANE Tonnes Under Grove RT CraneSafe Certi ?cation Mobile Hydraulic Tonnes Under LEARNING GUIDE LCR MH GVRT LG Q June CraneSafe Certi ?cation Fulford Harbour Group Tel www fulford ca Load Chart Rigging LEARNING GUIDE Mobile Hydraulic ?? Tonnes Under Introduction Grove RT These questions are for you to use to help get ready for the load chart and rigging part of the CraneSafe Level A Certi ?cation assessment for Mobile Hydraulic ?? Tonnes Under The questions on your assessment will be di ?erent from these but will be presented in the same format as these questions With the questions are the answers with the relevant load charts The answers explain how we arrived at the correct answer and you can use this to help work through any questions you may have gotten incorrect We have not included all of the charts for this crane - but everything you need to answer the questions is included You do not need the crane manual or full load chart package to answer the questions The crane industry in BC has stated that operators must get a minimum of out of questions right on the load chart and rigging part of the assessment to be competent Copyright ? Fulford Harbour Consulting Ltd All material in this document is unless otherwise stated the property of Fulford Harbour Consulting Ltd Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials Reproduction or transmission of the materials in whole or in part in any manner without prior written consent of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright law Printed copies of this document may be made solely for personal noncommercial use Individuals must preserve any copyright or other notices contained in or associated with them Users may distribute such copies to others in electronic or printed form without charge without prior written consent of Fulford Harbour Consulting Ltd Contact information for requests for permission to reproduce in any altered state electronic or otherwise or distribute for a charge or other consideration this document or any other materials produced by Fulford Harbour Consulting Ltd are as listed below Fulford CraneSafe Certi ?cation - Huston Road Delta BC V G C Canada Toll free Lower Mainland Fax info fulford ca www fulford ca CraneSafe Certi ?cation Fulford Harbour Group Load Chart Rigging LEARNING GUIDE Mobile Hydraulic ?? Tonnes Under Speci ?cations ? Maximum permissible line pull ?? pounds Grove RT www fulford ca CraneSafe Certi ?cation Fulford Harbour Group Load Chart Rigging LEARNING GUIDE Mobile Hydraulic ?? Tonnes Under Load Chart Rigging Questions What is the net capacity ? Outrigger extension ?? ? Main boom length ?? feet ? Lifting with the ton block ? ton ball suspended from the auxiliary boom head ? foot boom extension stowed ? Radius ?? feet Answer pounds Grove RT What is the maximum radius the load can be placed ? Outrigger extension ?? ? Main boom length ?? feet ? Lifting with the ton

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  • Publié le Mai 09, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 63.1kB