98880744333k TURKISH ELEMENTS IN THE ANTHROPONYMY OF THE AROMANIANS OF ROMANIA Dumitru CARABA ??Ovidius ? University of Constan ?a Abstract The onomastic material that I will present shows us that Aromanian anthroponymy incorporates elements of Greek Slav

TURKISH ELEMENTS IN THE ANTHROPONYMY OF THE AROMANIANS OF ROMANIA Dumitru CARABA ??Ovidius ? University of Constan ?a Abstract The onomastic material that I will present shows us that Aromanian anthroponymy incorporates elements of Greek Slavic Turkish or Albanian context amid which it has developed in two stages the profound or early one and the new or recent one All that is left is that through subsequent research and conclusions we may be able to establish the division into periods as accurately as possible but a fact remains certain the recent period has not ended yet and the Aromanian body of names is an integral part of the Balkan world whose anthroponymic systems interact continuously as it is in perpetual transformation Turkish loans were made notably by means of other Balkan languages which took over Turkish elements due to the cohabitation in the Balkan Peninsula notions of administration housing tools dishes names of plants and animals etc From here through the Aromanians ? bilingualism or more correctly multilingualism these terms entered Aromanian Key words Aromanians onomastics anthroponyms Balkan Turkish elements Résumé Le matériel onomastique présenté montre que l ? anthroponymie aroumaine incorpore des éléments du contexte grec slave turc ou albanais au milieu duquel elle s ? est développée en deux étapes l ? une profonde ou ancienne et l ? autre nouvelle ou récente Il en reste de ?xer la périodisation par les recherches et les conclusions ultérieures mais un fait est certain la période récente n ? est pas encore achevée et l ? onomastique aroumaine fait partie intégrante du monde balkanique dont les systèmes anthroponymiques interagissent de manière continue en étant dans une perpétuelle transformation Les emprunts du turc se sont réalisés prioritairement par l ? intermédiaire d ? autres langues balkaniques qui ont repris d ? éléments turcs gr? ce à leur proximité dans la Péninsule balkanique notions liées à l ? administration à la maison aux instruments aux types de plats aux noms de plantes et d ? animaux etc A partir d ? ici par le bilinguisme ou plus correctement par le multilinguisme des Aroumains ces termes sont entrés en aroumain Mots-clés Aroumains onomastique anthroponymes balkanique éléments turcs Introduction Aromanians are an integral part of the southeastern European universe The ?rst documentary information about this population was in this part of the world it is here that they have crystallized their traditions customs dances songs language and they have lived here ceaselessly from their inception Whether historians link their ancient BDD-A ? Editura Sitech Provided by Diacronia ro for IP - - UTC CTurkish Elements in the Anthroponymy of the Aromanians of Romania origin to Alexander the Great whether they are followers of the Vlachs north of the Danube who came to this area in a particular historical context whether they have always been here at home a fact is undisputed and the views of all scientists are in this in unison their language is of Latin origin Their area of expression no matter

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