legislatie n LEGISLATIE-N xls Page of Nr Intrebare R No Raspuns corect A should be issued for every Company Document of Compliance complying with the requirements of the ISM code by the Administration or by the Organisation recognised by the Administratio
LEGISLATIE-N xls Page of Nr Intrebare R No Raspuns corect A should be issued for every Company Document of Compliance complying with the requirements of the ISM code by the Administration or by the Organisation recognised by the Administration A company is expected to have documented emergency shipboard communication methods available procedures applicable for use onboard the particular type ship being operated including the duties and responsibilities of the crewmembers and A Company's safety management objectives and encouraged and supported requirements which are set above the standards of the ISM code should be A new oil tanker of tons deadweight and above which crude oil product carrier satis ?es the requirements for Segregated Ballast Tanks with protective location as well as COW may be designated as a A new oil tanker of tons dwt and above but less than product carrier tons dwt NOT ?tted with SBT and PL should be designated as a on the IOPP certi ?cate A new oil tanker of tons or above satisfying the requirements SBT and PL but not ?tted with COW should be designated as a on the IOPP certi ?cate product carrier A new oil tanker of dwt and above satisfying the requirements of SBT may be designed as a on the IOPP certi ?cate A ship other than a tanker of grt and above but less than grt cannot discharge oily mixtures from machinery spaces unless certain conditions are satis ?ed Which of these conditions must be satis ?ed Abaterea disciplinara este de ?nita ca o ? Acceptul de intrare a navelor in port si permisul de plecare a navelor din port se acorda de ? According to Annex V of Marpol no garbage can be thrown overboard inside the Special Areas Which is the exception crude oil product carrier II V VII Fapt ? ? n leg ?tur ? cu munca i care const ? ? ntr-o ac ?iune sau inac ?iune s ?v? r it ? cu vinov ? ?ie de c ?tre salariat prin care acesta a ? nc ?lcat normele legale regulamentul intern contractul individual de munc ? sau contractul colectiv de munc ? aplicabil ordinele i dispozi ?iile legale ale conduc ?torilor ierarhici Autoritatea Navala Romana prin capitaniile de port Comminuted ground up food waste beyond miles o ?shore According to Marpol what does the term new ship mean All of the other options apply According to Marpol what does the term oil mean Petroleum in any form including crude oil fuel oil sludge oil oil refuse and re ?ned products According to Marpol what is the meaning of the term oil fuel Any oil used on board in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary machinery According to Marpol what is the meaning of the term oily A mixture with any oil content mixture According to Regulation b in which of these exceptional I III IV cases can ballast water be loaded into cargo holds of tankers According to the MEPC Circular No issued by the
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- Publié le Nov 07, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 224.2kB