pdfsam these a picot clemente romain 2011
Bibliographie Collins A Loftus E A Spreading Activation Theory of Semantic Processing Psychological Review - Colorni A Dorigo M Maniezzo V Distributed optimization by ant colonies Proceedings of the First European Conference on Arti ?cial Life pp - Paris France Cristea A de Mooij A LAOS Layered WWW AHS Authoring Model and their corresponding Algebraic Operators WWW Conference ACM De Bra P Calvi L AHA an open adaptive hypermedia architecture Hypermedia - De Bra P Aerts A Smits D Stash N AHA Version More Adaptation Flexibility for Authors World Conference on e-Learning in Corporate Government Healthcare and Higher Education Montreal Canada De Bra P Houben G -J Wu H AHAM A dexter-based reference model for adaptive hypermedia ACMConference on Hypertext and Hypermedia Returning to our Diverse Roots - De Bra P Wu H Houben G -J Supporting user adaptation in adaptive hypermedia applications InfWet' Conference Degemmis M Lops P Semeraro G A Content-collaborative Recommender that ExploitsWordNetbased User Pro ?les for Neighborhood Formation User Modeling and User- Adapted Interaction The Journal of Personalization Research UMUAI - Deshpande M Karypis G Item-based top-N recommendation algorithms ACM Transaction on Information Systems - DMOZ open directory project n d Retrieved from http www dmoz org Dueck G Scheuer T Threshold accepting a general purpose optimization algorithm appearing superior to simulated annealing Journal of Computational Physics - Eirinaki M Vazirgiannis M Varlamis I SEWeP Using Site Semantics and a Taxonomy to enhance the Web Personalization Process Ninth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining pp - Geman S Geman D Stochastic Relaxation Gibbs Distributions and the Bayesian Restoration of Images IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence pp - Glover F Furture paths for integer programming and links to arti ?cial intelligence Computers and Operations Research - Goldberg D Nichols D Oki B Terry D Using collaborative ?ltering to weave an information tapestry Commun ACM - Gondran M Minoux M Graphes et algorithmes Editions Eyrolles Grcar M Fortuna B Mladenic D Grobelnik M k-NN versus SVM in the collaborative ?ltering framework Data Science and Classi ?cation - Gruber T R Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing International Workshop on Formal Ontology Padova Italy Halasz F Schwartz M The dexter reference model NIST Hypertext Standardization Workshop Mémoire de Thèse Page CHayes P RDF Semantics W C http www w org TR REC- rdf-mt- Henze N Adaptive hyperbooks Adaptation for project-based learning resources University of Hannover Hill W Stead L Rosenstein M Furnas G Recommending and Evaluating Choices in a Virtual Community of Use Human Factors in Computing Systems Hofmann T Collaborative ?ltering via Gaussian probabilistic latent semantic analysis th Annual Int ACM SIGIR Conf on Research and Development in Information Retrieval pp - New York NY USA ACM Holland J Adaptation in natural and arti ?cial systems Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press Ikeda M Ontology as Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Engineering J Jpn Soc for Arti ?cial intelligence - Jacobs I Walsh N Architecture of the
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- Publié le Jul 11, 2022
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- Langue French
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