Course credits 3 units course schedule sas1 faculty prof jose a go msci
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES SAS ?? Self and Society First Semester AY - COURSE CREDITS COURSE SCHEDULE FACULTY EMAIL ADDRESS units SAS Prof Jose A Go MSci josefelixgo gmail com COURSE GUIDE COURSE DESCRIPTION This course focuses on understanding the self by examining the interaction of biological psychological and socio-cultural dimensions and appreciating human agency and the emergence of the self in di ?erent social contexts COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course you should be able to Di ?erentiate the various perspectives and ways of knowing about the self Explore various self-de ?nitions based on personal and social contexts in a rapidly changing world Engage others in pursuits that facilitate group interaction and leadership and Demonstrate social responsiveness COURSE OUTLINE Unit I - Perspectives About The Self Module - Di ?erent Frameworks and Theories about the Self Unit II - The Process and Context of Selfhood Module - The Process and Context of Selfhood Module - Culture Ethnicity and Personality Unit III - The self in adolescence and young adulthood Module - Me Myself and I Body Image Rites of Passage and Gender and Sexuality Issues Module - Me Myself and Others Development of Values Principles and Ideologies Love and Attraction Risk-taking Behavior and Peer In uences Module - Me and My Mental Health Unit IV - Individuality Citizenship and Solidarity Module - Individuality Citizenship and Leadership Module - The Individual Steps Out Career Community and Society COURSE MATERIALS The learning materials for each module consists of required readings and a module study guide A copy of each reading and module study guide is posted at the SAS course site on UPV ? s virtual learning environment VLE Page of CModule - Di ?erent Frameworks and Theories about the Self Psychological Perspectives about the Self Biological Behavioral Cognitive Psychoanalytic Humanistic Phenomenological Socio-cultural Evolutionary Sociological Perspectives about the Self Charles Cooley ? s ??The Looking-glass Self Theory ? George Herbert Mead ? s ??Generalized Others ? Module - The Process and Context of Selfhood Kaufman Peter ??Crawling in the Shoes of Others ? Retrieved at https www everdaysociologyblog com crawling-in-the- shoes-of-others html Module - Culture Ethnicity and Personality ? Spencer- Oatey H What is culture A compilation of quotations GlobalPAD Core Concepts https warwick ac uk fac soc al globalpad openhouse interculturalskills globalpadwhatisculture pdf Module - Me Myself and I Body Image Rites of Passage and Gender and Sexuality Issues ? Croll Jillian Body Image and Adolescents http www epi umn edu let pubs img adolch pdf ? Rites of passage https www britannica com topic rite-of- passage ? Adolescent Identity Formation and Rites of Passage The Navajo Kinaalda ? Ceremony for Girls https www researchgate net publication AdolescentIdentityFormationandRites ofPassageTheNavajoKinaaldaCeremonyforGirls ? Key Terms and Concepts in Understanding Gender Diversity and Sexual Orientation Among Students https www apa org pi lgbt programs safe-supportive lgbt key-terms pdf ? Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality http www apa org topics lgbt orientation aspx ? Wright i T December Fifty shades of gay Video ?le Retrieved
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- Publié le Jan 01, 2023
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 45.7kB