Sik guide SIK GUIDE Your Guide to the SparkFun Inventor ? s Kit for Arduino RES CTable of Contents Welcome to the SparkFun Inventor ? s Guide The SparkFun Inventor's Guide is your map for navigating the waters of beginning embedded electronics This bookle

SIK GUIDE Your Guide to the SparkFun Inventor ? s Kit for Arduino RES CTable of Contents Welcome to the SparkFun Inventor ? s Guide The SparkFun Inventor's Guide is your map for navigating the waters of beginning embedded electronics This booklet contains all the information you will need to explore the circuits of the SparkFun Inventor's Kit for Arduino At the center of this manual is one core philosophy - that anyone can and should play around with electronics When you're done with this guide you'll have the know-how to start creating your own projects and experiments Now enough talking - let's get inventing sparkfun com CSection Section Getting Started with Arduino What is an Arduino Download Arduino Software IDE Install Drivers for Arduino Identify your Arduino Download ??SIK Guide Code ? Getting Started with Circuits The World Runs on Circuits Inventory of Parts Arduino Uno Breadboard Circuit - Your First Circuit Blinking a LED Circuit - Potentiometer Circuit - RGB LED Circuit - Multiple LEDs Circuit - Push Buttons Circuit - Photo Resistor Circuit - Temperature Sensor Circuit - A Single Servo Circuit - Flex Sensor Circuit - Soft Potentiometer Circuit - Piezo Element Circuit - Spinning a Motor Circuit - Relay Circuit - Shift Register CWhat is an Arduino The Arduino Revolution Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform designed to make experimenting with electronics more fun and intuitive Arduino has its own unique simpli ?ed programming language a vast support network and thousands of potential uses making it the perfect platform for both beginner and advanced DIY enthusiasts arduino cc A Computer for the Physical World The friendly blue board in your hand or on your desk is the Arduino In some ways you could think of Arduino as the child of traditional desktop and laptop computers At its roots the Arduino is essentially a small portable computer It is capable of taking inputs such as the push of a button or a reading from a light sensor and interpreting that information to control various outputs like a blinking LED light or an electric motor That's where the term physical computing is born - an Arduino is capable of taking the world of electronics and relating it to the physical world in a real and tangible way Trust us - this will all make more sense soon Arduino UNO SMD R The Arduino Uno is one of several development boards based on the ATmega We like it mainly because of its extensive support network and its versatility It has digital input output pins of which can be PWM outputs analog inputs a MHz crystal oscillator a USB connection a power jack an ICSP header and a reset button Don ? t worry you ? ll learn about all these later Cc b a h d e g a Bug Zapper Counter b Old Toy Email Notifer c Power-Lacing High Tops f d Camera Time-lapse operation e Auto-Plant Watering f Re-Programmed Traf ?c Light g Auto-Co ?ee

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