Adolescent and parent attachment

REVIEW ARTICLE Adolescent-parent attachment Bonds that support healthy development Marlene M Moretti PhD Maya Peled MA MM Moretti M Peled Adolescent-parent attachment Bonds that support healthy development Paediatr Child Health - Adolescence is characterized by signi ?cant neurological cognitive and sociopsychological development With the advance of adolescence the amount of time spent with parents typically drops while time spent with peers increases considerably Nonetheless parents continue to play a key role in in uencing their adolescent ? s development Adolescent-parent attachment has profound e ?ects on cognitive social and emotional functioning Secure attachment is associated with less engagement in high risk behaviours fewer mental health problems and enhanced social skills and coping strategies The present article provides a brief synopsis of the changes that occur during adolescence and describes what attachment is why it continues to be important and how it is transformed during adolescence It summarizes major ?ndings on the impact of attachment on adolescent adjustment and discusses strategies for supporting healthy adolescent-parent attachment Key Words Adjustment Adolescence Attachment Health Parentchild relationships Psychopathology L ? attachement entre l ? adolescent et ses parents Des liens qui soutiennent un développement sain L ? adolescence se caractérise par un développement neurologique cognitif et sociopsychologique important D ? ordinaire à mesure que progresse l ? adolescence le temps passé avec les parents diminue tandis que celui passé avec les amis augmente considérablement Néanmoins les parents continuent d ? exercer une énorme in uence sur le développement de leur adolescent L ? attachement entre l ? adolescent et ses parents a des e ?ets profonds sur son fonctionnement cognitif social et a ?ectif Un attachement solide s ? associe à une participation moins marquée à des comportements à haut risque à moins de troubles de santé mentale à des aptitudes sociales et à des stratégies d ? adaptation plus solides Le présent article fournit un bref synopsis des changements qui se produisent pendant l ? adolescence et décrit ce qu ? est l ? attachement la raison pour laquelle cet attachement continue d ? être important et sa transformation pendant l ? adolescence Il résume les principales observations sur les répercussions de l ? attachement sur l ? adaptation de l ? adolescent et présente des stratégies pour soutenir un attachement sain entre l ? adolescent et ses parents Adolescence is increasingly recognized as the second major ? window ? of opportunity and risk in development next only in signi ?cance to early childhood development It is a period of biological cognitive and social change of such magnitude and rapidity that it is no surprise to ?nd that it is associated with the onset or exacerbation of a number of health-related problems including depression eating disorders substance abuse and dependence - risky sexual behaviour antisocial and delinquent activity and school dropout In recent years the role of parental in uence in adolescent adjustment has been seriously questioned Some researchers have argued that parents make little or no di ?erence in how their children

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