Eurydice guide STUDY GUIDE Prepared by Production Dramaturg Kimberly Colburn and Literary Intern Rachell Campbell TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I THE PLAY Orpheus and Eurydice A Brief Synopsis of the Myth Production History Highlights of Eurydice Motifs in the P

STUDY GUIDE Prepared by Production Dramaturg Kimberly Colburn and Literary Intern Rachell Campbell TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I THE PLAY Orpheus and Eurydice A Brief Synopsis of the Myth Production History Highlights of Eurydice Motifs in the Play Part II THE PLAYWRIGHT About the Playwright Sarah Ruhl by David Myers List of Ruhl ? s Plays Part III THE PRODUCTION Designing Eurydice Part IV QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Before the Show After the Show Part V RESOURCES Other Study Guides and Programs Reference Materials Articles Part I THE PLAY Orpheus and Eurydice A Brief Synopsis of the Myth While there are many variations on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice among poets Ovid Virgil and Apollonius or philosophers Plato and Aristotle the basic story goes as follows A charming and talented musician Orpheus is the son of a Thracian king and the muse Calliope When Orpheus plays every animate and inanimate thing follows and his music can divert the course of rivers He meets and marries the maiden Eurydice ??thought to be perhaps a nymph minor Greek deity related to nature or maybe a daughter of Apollo Their joy is brief on their wedding day Eurydice travels through a meadow with her bridesmaids in some versions she ? s running to Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot escape the sexual advances of a satyr or shepherd and she steps into a pit of vipers She is bitten by a snake and dies never touches a myth without developing expanding and sometimes radically changing it ? Eurydice ? s father Overcome with grief Orpheus strikes a sad note on his doesn ? t play a role in the original myth but he plays a lyre and travels to the Underworld A normal mortal would pivotal role in Ruhl ? s play In the classical versions of the have perished but Orpheus uses his music to charm the story Eurydice is a passive victim In Ovid ? s version of spirits and Hades the Lord of the Underworld Hades the story she doesn ? t speak at all and in Virgil ? s poem she agrees to let Eurydice return to the world of the living says only a few words after Orpheus has already looked on one condition that she must follow Orpheus and he back at her In Sarah Ruhl ? s Eurydice she is given both a could not look back at her until they reach the outer voice and a choice world The young couple sets o ? as proscribed Whether his faith was not able to withstand the test or whether he The story in brief using epic poetry excerpts was tricked by the gods Orpheus fatefully looks back at http www vcu edu engweb webtexts eurydice Eurydice She is taken back to the Underworld In some eurydicemyth html versions Orpheus is simply heartbroken and in others he is punished wandering alone with his lyre until he is torn A modern vernacular re-telling apart by

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