Bibliography of advertising research 55

Bibliography Cheema F -E A DO TAGLINES HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON Pakistan Institute of Business and Technology IBT Ediningrum P S Context Analysis of Advertisement Taglines Perpustakaan Universitas Kaser K Advertising and Sales Promotion Pasig Cengage Learning Asia Ltd LAP J THE LANGUAGE OF ADVERTISING WITH THE CONCENTRATION ON Lynette L Knowles n d The e ?ect of advertising slogan changes on the market values of ?rms Journal of Advertising Research RESMININGSIH D D A PRAGMATIC STUDY ON TAG LINES USED Romanenko E Linguistic Analysis of On-line Advertising in SHARMA R Linguistic Deviations in Advertising Messages of Chocolates and Beverages INDIA Somayeh Abdia A I THE IMPORTANCE OF ADVERTISING SLOGANS AND - Tomislav Skra ?i ? P K Linguistic Analysis of English Advertising Slogans in Yachting University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies Split Croatia C

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