Media guide 2 C CWHAT ? S INSIDE INTRODUCTION WHY MEDIA IS IMPORTANT TYPES OF MEDIA Newspapers Magazines Wire Services Television Radio Public A ?airs Programs Internet Websites Newsletters MEDIA OUTREACH Next Steps Tips on Developing Press Lists and News

C CWHAT ? S INSIDE INTRODUCTION WHY MEDIA IS IMPORTANT TYPES OF MEDIA Newspapers Magazines Wire Services Television Radio Public A ?airs Programs Internet Websites Newsletters MEDIA OUTREACH Next Steps Tips on Developing Press Lists and Newsroom Contacts Don ? t Forget the Daybook REPORTERS BUILDING AND MAINTAINING RELATIONSHIPS Building the Relationship Maintaining the Relationship Basic Tips on Working With Reporters PSAS COMMUNICATION THROUGH PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS PSA Reader Scripts Community Calendar Listing Print PSAs Getting Your PSA Placed APPENDICES A Top Ways to Get Media Coverage B Media Resources From the Corporation C Tips on Writing a Press Release D Tips on How to Stage a Successful Media Event E Sample ??Accomplishment ? Core Messages F Sample PSA G Sample Media Advisory H Sample News Release I Sample Op-ed J Sample Letter to the Editor K Sample Media Sign-In Sheet CINTRODUCTION Why Media Is Important RRunning a national service program is more than a full-time job Between developing projects recruiting volunteers managing ?nances seeking resources and ?lling out paperwork it may feel like there ? s no time to do anything else With all the things a busy program manager has to do you may wonder ?? Why should I care about media coverage and can it really help me ? The answer is yes ?? and getting it is easier than you think Every year thousands of stories about Senior Corps AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America appear in the media ?? almost all generated by local project sta ? and volunteers You don ? t have to be a media pro to get good coverage but having some tips and resources can help That ? s the purpose of this guide ??Taking the time to communicate with the public helps attract resources fom your community including volunteers sponsors and funding and helps educate people ? about your programs Publicizing your program in not a goal in itself It ? s a means of building support for your program and increasing your likelihood of success Taking the time to communicate with the public helps attract resources from your community including volunteers sponsors and funding and helps educate people about your program All of us engage in public relations each time we tell people about what we do You probably already have a good idea how to tailor messages about your program and achievements to a speci ?c audience If you are talking to a potential volunteer you might convey the personal satisfaction gained from giving back to your community If you ? re talking to a potential recipient of your services you would point out the bene ?ts you provide to individuals and organizations These scenarios are good examples of e ?ective public relations Public relations simply means developing and managing a deliberate and strategic approach to publicizing your message Ultimately a good public relations campaign will create a mutually bene ?cial relationship between your program and your audiences Maintaining relationships with media outlets will help you be

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  • Publié le Dec 31, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 156.7kB