Cli guide OpenStack CLI GuideOpenStack CLI Guide Table of Contents Overview of CLIs Getting Credentials for a CLI Checking the version of a CLI Get Help for a CLI Install OpenStack nova CLI Command List for nova Client OpenStack Nova CLI Guide Get Command

OpenStack CLI GuideOpenStack CLI Guide Table of Contents Overview of CLIs Getting Credentials for a CLI Checking the version of a CLI Get Help for a CLI Install OpenStack nova CLI Command List for nova Client OpenStack Nova CLI Guide Get Command Parameter and Subcommand Help List Instances Images and Flavors Launch a New Instance Change Server Con ?guration Stop and Start an Instance Rebooting an instance Manage Security Groups Manage Floating IP Addresses Manage Images Manage Volumes Terminate an Instance Get an Instance Console Usage statistics Install OpenStack glance CLI Command List for glance CLI OpenStack Glance CLI Guide Getting Command Parameter and Subcommand Help List Images Add a New Image Managing Images Install OpenStack keystone CLI Command List for keystone CLI Install OpenStack swift CLI Command List for swift CLI Install OpenStack quantum CLI Command List for quantum CLI OpenStack Quantum CLI Guide Overview Each OpenStack project has a Command-Line-Interface CLI that interacts with the service's REST API Overview of CLIs The CLIs are open-source Python clients used to run commands to make API calls For example each nova client command runs cURL commands that embed API v requests You can run the CLI from a desktop machine or remote system For example to use the COpenStack CLI Guide Compute API from the command-line install the nova client A common openstack CLI is in development also To install a client on a Mac OS X or Linux system you can use easy install or pip or install the package from your Linux distribution Using pip is recommended because it is easy and it ensures that you get the latest version of the nova client from the Python Package Index Also it lets you update the package later on Here are the CLIs for use with OpenStack clouds ? glance - Enables interaction with images such as adding and setting permissions on images ? keystone - Controls and creates users tenants roles endpoints and credentials ? nova - Enables you to launch servers set security groups control IP addresses on servers control volumes and snapshot images ? quantum - O ?ers network con ?guration for guest servers ? swift - Provides access to a swift installation for adhoc processing to gather statistics list items update metadata upload download and delete ?les stored by the object storage service Getting Credentials for a CLI Before you can issue commands with a command-line-interface you must ensure that your environment contains the necessary variables so that you can prove to the CLI who you are and what credentials you have to issue the commands Procedure To authenticate a user to interact with CLIs Set environment variables You can either edit your bash pro ?le to add and set environment variables or use an openrc ?le downloaded from an OpenStack Dashboard Either edit your bashpro ?le ?le nano bashpro ?le Add the following lines to the bash pro ?le Edit the values for the OSUSERNAME OSPASSWORD and OSTENANTNAME variables export OSUSERNAME username export OSPASSWORD

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