Shiitake guide Best Management Practices for Log-Based Shiitake Cultivation in the northeastern united states CCover Photo Credit Steve and Julie Rockcastle Green Heron Growers Funded by a Northeast SARE Research and Education Grant The College of Agricul
Best Management Practices for Log-Based Shiitake Cultivation in the northeastern united states CCover Photo Credit Steve and Julie Rockcastle Green Heron Growers Funded by a Northeast SARE Research and Education Grant The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is a unit of the State University of New York Cornell University Ithaca N Y Cornell University is an equal opportunity a ?rmative action educator and employer Copyright ? UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture University of Vermont Extension All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced without the prior permission of the UVM Extension Center for Sustainable Agriculture http www uvm edu susagctr Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work Acts of May and June in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture University of Vermont Extension Burlington Vermont University of Vermont Extension and U S Department of Agriculture cooperating o ?er education and employment to everyone without regard to race color national origin gender religion age disability Any reference to commercial products trade names and brand names is for information only and no endorsement or approval is intended Project Coordinators Ken Mudge Associate Professor Department of Horticulture Cornell University Ithaca N Y Allen Matthews Director and Instructor of Sustainable Agriculture Chatham University Pittsburgh Pa Ben Waterman Beginning Farmer Coordinator Center for Sustainable Agriculture Burlington Vt Project Manager Bridgett Jamison Hilshey Graduate Student University of Vermont Burlington Vt Contributing Farm Advisors Steve Sierigk Hawk Meadow Farm Trumansburg N Y Nick Laskovski Dana Forest Farm Waits ?eld Vt Steve and Julie Rockcastle Green Heron Growers Panama N Y Steve Gabriel Wellspring Forest Farm Mecklenburg N Y Steven and Julie Rockcastle displaying their products Ken Mudge Cornell Univesity CTable Of Contents Series of photos taken of the shiitake operation at the Green Heron Growers in Panama N Y Steve and Julie Rockcastles Green Heron Growers Table of Contents Introduction Shiitake Mushroom Basics Acquiring Logs Bolts Inoculating Logs Spawn Run Incubation Forcing Bolts Harvesting Shiitake Shiitake Storage Preservation Marketing Forest-Grown Shiitake Enterprise Viability CTable Of Contents First shiitake ush from a group of logs Andrew Bojanowski Eddy Farm This guide introduces the principles of shiitake cultivation It combines insights gathered from professional growers on-farm trial and universitybased research all within the northeastern United States Keep in mind that the process presented herein may be slightly di ?erent amongst individual growers and will bene ?t from personal adjustments as the cultivator gains experience CIntroduction Introduction To date most forest cultivation of shiitake mushrooms has been conducted in the southern and Midwestern regions of the U S where the climate available substrate tree species and markets di ?er from those in the Northeast This manual outlines best management practices for shiitake mushroom cultivation and sales in the northeastern United States In addition the manual also includes anecdotes and tips from experienced growers in the region data gathered from farms starting their operation and the latest academic research Information Sources Expert Tips and Tricks Some of the growers involved in this project have been
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- Publié le Apv 19, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 245.1kB