Workbench user guide Workbench User Guide Workbench User Guide ContentsEclipse platform overview Getting started Basic tutorial The Workbench Editors and views Editors Views A simple project Using the File menu Using the popup Using the New button Closing

Workbench User Guide Workbench User Guide ContentsEclipse platform overview Getting started Basic tutorial The Workbench Editors and views Editors Views A simple project Using the File menu Using the popup Using the New button Closing an editor Navigating resources Opening resources in the Project Explorer Go To Files Exporting ?les Importing ?les Drag and drop or copy and paste Import wizard Deleting resources Working with other editors External editors Embedded editors Editing ?les outside the Workbench Copying renaming and moving Copying Renaming Moving Searching Starting a search The Search view Tasks and markers Unassociated tasks Associated tasks Opening ?les Bookmarks Adding and viewing bookmarks Using bookmarks Removing bookmarks Rearranging views and editors Rearranging views Tiling editors Rearranging tabbed views Maximizing and minimizing Perspectives New perspectives New windows Saving perspectives Turning menu and tool bar items on and o ? Comparing Simple compare Understanding the comparison Working with the comparison Local history Responsive UI Exiting the Workbench Team CVS tutorial Setting up a CVS repository Starting o ine Sharing the project sur http help eclipse org kepler advanced print jsp topic nav CWorkbench User Guide Specifying a repository location Repository locations Sharing a project Working with another user Checking out a project Another user making changes Making our own changes Working with con icting changes Replacing Versioning your project A quick review Working with CVS History Ant external tools tutorial Eclipse Ant basics Creating Ant build ?les Editing Ant build ?les Running Ant build ?les Saving Reusing Ant options Using the Ant view Ant build ?les as project builders Creating a project builder Ant build ?le Executing project builders Project Builder Ant Targets External tools Non-Ant project builders Stand-alone external tools Concepts Welcome Workbench Resources Resource hierarchies Linked resources Virtual folders Path variables Resource ?lters Working sets Builds Local history Perspectives Editors Ant Editor External editors Views Fast views Detached views Ant view Project Explorer view Help view Tasks view Problems view Outline view Properties view Search view Toolbars Markers Bookmarks Label decorations Help Ant External tools Ant support External tools Team programming with CVS Versions Branches CVS Repositories Three way comparisons Synchronizing with a CVS repository sur http help eclipse org kepler advanced print jsp topic nav CWorkbench User Guide http help eclipse org kepler advanced print jsp topic nav Watch Edit Accessibility features in Eclipse Navigating the user interface using the keyboard Accessibility features in textual editors Fonts and colors in Eclipse Features Tasks Running Eclipse Upgrading Eclipse Working with perspectives Switching between perspectives Specifying the default perspective Opening perspectives Changing where perspectives open Showing and hiding menu items and toolbar buttons Con ?guring perspective command groups Con ?guring perspective shortcuts Saving a user de ?ned perspective Deleting a user de ?ned perspective Resetting perspectives Working with views and editors Opening views Moving and docking views Rearranging tabbed views Creating fast views Working with fast views Detaching views and editors Opening ?les for editing Associating editors with ?le types Editing ?les outside the Workbench Tiling editors Maximizing and minimizing

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