Maimonides james robinson Maimonides Samuel Ibn Tibbon and the Construction of a Jewish Tradition of Philosophy James T Robinson Maimonideanism in Southern France During the thirteenth century the Jews in southern France called ??Provence ? in Hebrew sour

Maimonides Samuel Ibn Tibbon and the Construction of a Jewish Tradition of Philosophy James T Robinson Maimonideanism in Southern France During the thirteenth century the Jews in southern France called ??Provence ? in Hebrew sources experienced a cultural revolution Following the arrival of Maimonides ? writings and the translation of his Guide of the Perplexed into Hebrew a very distinctive tradition of philosophy and exegesis was developed Basic works of Graeco-Arabic and Arabic philosophy were translated into Hebrew in relation to the Guide and in order to help understand the Guide Reference tools ??such as glossaries encyclopedias summaries and anthologies ?? were created to help disseminate and popularize philosophy and philosophical ideas Most importantly following the directions of Maimonides philosophy was used to interpret and reinterpret classical Jewish sources and doctrines This took the form of philosophical commentaries on the Bible and rabbinic literature philosophical sermons philosophical commentaries on prayer and philosophical explications of the reasons for the commandments Even commentaries on the Talmud and legal codes were introduced by theoretical discussions of philosophy and the relation between philosophy and religion The founder of this distinctive Maimonidean tradition of Jewish philosophy was Samuel Ibn Tibbon c ?? ??translator philosopher and biblical exegete Ibn Tibbon ? s translation of the Guide of the Perplexed into Hebrew established the basic textbook of Jewish philosophy and helped develop the technical terminology that would serve Jewish savants throughout the Middle Ages His translations of Aristotle and Averroes initiated the rendering of nonJewish works into Hebrew and helped determine the orientation of thirteenthcentury Jewish philosophy But perhaps even more important for the construction of a Maimonidean tradition in Provence was Ibn Tibbon ? s exegetical pro- For background see the pioneering work of Isadore Twersky ??Aspects of the Social and Cultural History of Provençal Jewry ? Journal of World History ?? reprinted in Jewish Society through the Ages eds H H Ben-Sasson and S Ettinger New York Schocken Books pp ?? For updated bibliography see James T Robinson ??The Ibn Tibbon Family A Dynasty of Translators in Medieval Provence ? Be ? erot Yitzhak Studies in Memory of Isadore Twersky ed J Harris Cambridge Harvard University Press C James T Robinson gram Following the guidance of Maimonides and applying Maimonidean ideas and principles in new areas Ibn Tibbon produced the ?rst Maimonidean commentaries on the Bible His Commentary on Ecclesiastes presents a verse-byverse explanation of Ecclesiastes according to what ??Maimonides would have explained ? and for the bene ?t of those who have ??knowledge of the Guide and have caught a whi ? of the sweet smell of the speculative sciences ? His Ma ? amar Yiqqawu ha-Mayim which takes the form of a discursive treatise rather than straightforward commentary nevertheless presents the ?rst full Maimonidean explication of the ??work of the beginning ? and ??work of the chariot ? The purpose of this paper is to characterize this tradition that Ibn Tibbon helped create It will focus on the forms and methods of the

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