The indo european prehistory of the albanian word for x27 sister x27 majer 2019
pre-publication version de ?nitive version to be published in the proceedings of Ljubilej ?? Ljublj? um ?? Ljubilee ?? Ljubljanniversaire IG SIES SÉIE Arbeitstagung years of comparative linguistics at the University of Ljubljana Ljubljana ?? June THE INDO -EUROPEAN PREHISTORY OF THE ALBANIAN WORD FOR ? SISTER ? Marek Majer University of Lodz Abstract In the present article which builds on an almost overlooked suggestion by Eric Hamp it is argued that Albanian mot? r ? sister ? is not a direct re ex of Proto-Indo-European meh ter- ? mother ? with an unexpected shift of meaning ?? as assumed almost universally in the literature ?? but that it represents an early derivative of this word probably m ?t e r ? meh t- e r-eh ? of the same mother ? or ? having the same mother ? Such an item may have been easily lexicalized as a replacement of the inherited word for ? sister ? cf Greek ? ? ? brother ? sm -g elb -es-o- ? of the same womb ? or Spanish hermano ? brother ? Latin germ ?nus ? of one ? s own kin real full ? Thus despite widespread claims to the contrary Albanian ? sister ? can probably be explained via fairly trivial developments and does not document any extraordinary facts about Pre- Albanian kinship terminology or social structure Introduction Albanian kinship terminology and the word for ? sister ? As is well-known Albanian only preserves a small part of the Proto- IndoEuropean kinship terminology Most of the basic kinship terms have been replaced by innovative terms be it new coinages nursery words or borrowings while the familiar items known from other Indo- European Apart from the Ljubljana conference this research was also presented at the th International Seminar of Albanian Language Literature and Culture Seminari XXXVIII Nd? rkomb? tar p? r Gjuh? n Let? rsin? dhe Kultur? n Shqiptare Prishtina ?? August a somewhat abridged Albanian-language version of the present study will appear under the title Parahistoria indoevropiane e fjal? s shqipe p? r ? motr? n ? in the proceedings of the above Seminar I would like to thank the participants of both events for their helpful comments and corrections in addition I would like to thank Victor Friedman Plator Gashi Brian Joseph and Sergio Neri with whom I discussed the matter at other occasions All opinions and errors are my own For a recent overview of Indo-European kinship terminology in a typological areal and social context with rich further literature cf Milanova and C MAREK MAJER languages ?? and thus reconstructible for Proto-Indo-European ?? have not left a single uncontroversial trace Table Replacements of core PIE kinship terms in Albanian PIE term ph terb reh terswesorsuhnu d ugh ter- gloss sample re exes ? father ? Ved pit - Gr ? ? Lat pater ? brother ? Ved bhr ? ? tr - Lat fr ?ter Toch B procer ? sister ? Ved svásr - Lat soror Lith
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- Publié le Fev 24, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 95.9kB