Mla guide MLA Mini-Manual for Using MLA Style in Research Papers CMLA Mini-Manual Table of Contents MLA About the MLA Handbook Paper Format Layout Documenting Sources Parenthetical Documentation In-Text Citations Quotations Using Introductions for Added A
MLA Mini-Manual for Using MLA Style in Research Papers CMLA Mini-Manual Table of Contents MLA About the MLA Handbook Paper Format Layout Documenting Sources Parenthetical Documentation In-Text Citations Quotations Using Introductions for Added Authority Block Quotations Altering Quoted Material Quoting Indirect Sources Paraphrasing Summarizing Works Cited Guidelines Sample Works Cited Entries Basic Format for Electronic Resources Sample Electronic Entries Titles Abbreviations Numbers Spaces After Periods Sample Paper CAbout the MLA Handbook MLA The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers describes a set of conventions that govern the written presentation of research These guidelines follow current practices as recommended by the Modern Language Association of America a professional organization of some instructors of English and other languages These conventions are used primarily in the humanities Joseph Gibaldi ? s MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers provides the researcher with a streamlined and easily referenced guide to the MLA format Copies of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers can be purchased in the Wright State University Bookstore References in this mini-manual such as MLA re ect sections in the MLA handbook where more information on that subject may be found For Further Reference Gibaldi Joseph ed MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers th ed New York MLA Walker Janice L and Todd Taylor ? Basic CGOS Style ? Columbia Guide to Online Style New York Columbia UP Nov http www columbia edu cu cup cgos idx basic html CMLA Format and Layout MLA - See sample pages for examples Typing Printing Font Do not use script or other fancy print ??Courier ? and ??Times ? are usually good choices A letter-quality printer is preferable to a dot-matrix printer When using a computer to write a paper be sure to justify only on the left margin Full justi ?cation is incorrect in an MLA document Type or print only on one side of the paper Paper Use white twenty-pound - x -inch paper Margins Use one-inch margins on all sides Spacing Double-space EVERYTHING including block quotations Pagination Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right-hand corner of each page one-half inch from the top beginning with the ?rst page Number all pages consecutively including Works Cited pages Paragraph Indentations Indent each paragraph ?ve spaces or onehalf inch Indent block quotations of one paragraph or less ten spaces from the left margin For a block quotation of two or more paragraphs indent the ?rst line of each new paragraph an additional three spaces Heading and Title An MLA research paper DOES NOT REQUIRE A TITLE PAGE On the ?rst page one inch from the top and ush with the left margin type your name double-space your instructor ? s name double-space the unabbreviated course title and number double-space and the date Dates appear without punctuation before or after as follows June Double-space and then type your title centered Capitalize all signi ?cant words in the title Do not underline the title or put it
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- Publié le Dec 11, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 69.7kB