Curriculum guide Curriculum Guide English Grade st Quarter Content Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through Comprehension of Philippine literature and other types of texts to gain a better understanding of Philippine culture Perf
Curriculum Guide English Grade st Quarter Content Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through Comprehension of Philippine literature and other types of texts to gain a better understanding of Philippine culture Performance Standard The learner develop understanding by Applying the context of literature using the appropriate types of text as a means of connecting to the past Most Essential Learning Competencies MELCS Describe how ancient proverbs can be used as a guidepost to help us strengthen our values Identify how stories from across our country disclose ideologies social norms and perceptions about our place in the world Sub-competencies Based on what you know express whether a statement is true or false Determine whether the words or expressions in a selection are similar or opposite Recognize the distinctive features and properties of oral language Demonstrate your understanding of our culture's diversity Classify words in order to associate their meanings with other words Determine how precise words can be used to create objectivity in written language Formative Assessment Tasks Is a component of the educational process Quiz Observation Concept mapping Oral Recitation Classwork Homework Summative Assessment Tasks st Quarter Test Used to determine what students know and do not know at a speci ?c point in time Essay Writing Literature Review Chapter Tests Midterm Exam Final Project C Classify a new perspective on how to manage and assist others in resolving a con ict Share your thoughts on the scenarios presented Make a story map to help you understand the situation In conversation use appropriate stress and intonation Relate the old stories to the current state of a ?airs in your world Using various graphic organizers surmise the bene ?ts and drawbacks of a given situation Determine the meaning of symbols based on the text To determine the meaning of given words use context clues Investigate the past by learning about the origins of things and how they a ?ect us as a people To determine the meanings of words and phrases use pictures and context clues Determine how pitch phrasing and pacing a ?ect message comprehension Investigate how heroes In various are created and how they communication Cmake a di ?erence in the world situations use appropriate idiomatic expressions Examine the elements of epics as well as their intended purpose and the setting in which they are created Retell a selected myth or legend in three ?ve-to-seven sentence paragraphs Distinguish the motivations of heroes as they embark on adventures Explain how people come to be regarded as heroes Share your thoughts on why seemingly ordinary people perform extraordinary acts Write a brief but wellwritten dialogue C
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- Publié le Jan 07, 2023
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 26.7kB