Design guide 4 Table ?? Design parameters of American ASTM preloaded bolts Grade Bolt marking A A BC Design strengths to BS Shear strength ps N mm Tension strength pt N mm Characteristic values to SS EN Yield strength fyb N mm Ultimate tensile strength fu

Table ?? Design parameters of American ASTM preloaded bolts Grade Bolt marking A A BC Design strengths to BS Shear strength ps N mm Tension strength pt N mm Characteristic values to SS EN Yield strength fyb N mm Ultimate tensile strength fub N mm A BD A Table ?? Design parameters of Japanese JIS preloaded bolts Grade Bolt marking Design strengths to BS Shear strength ps N mm Tension strength pt N mm Characteristic values to SS EN Yield strength fyb N mm Ultimate tensile strength fub N mm F T F T F T S T Table ?? Design parameters of Australian New Zealand AS NZS preloaded bolts Grade Bolt marking Design strengths to BS Shear strength ps N mm Tension strength pt N mm Characteristic values to SS EN Yield strength fyb N mm Ultimate tensile strength fub N mm Table ?? Design parameters of Chinese GB preloaded bolts Grade Bolt marking Design strengths to BS Shear strength ps N mm Tension strength pt N mm Characteristic values to SS EN Yield strength fyb N mm Ultimate tensile strength fub N mm Class ?llet welds This section covers the design recommendations of ?llet welds made of Class welding consumables The design strengths of ?llet welds to BS corresponding to di ?erent welding consumable grades are given in Table Table Table Table and Table For design to SS EN the speci ?ed strengths ductility and impact toughness of the welding consumables shall be at least equivalent to that speci ?ed for the parent metal CTable ?? Design strengths of ?llet weld made of British European BS EN welding consumables Grade Tensile strength Ue N mm Design strength pw N mm Ue Us Us tensile strength of parent metal Table ?? Design strengths of ?llet weld made of American AWS welding consumables Grade E xx Tensile strength Ue N mm Design strength pw N mm Table ?? Design strengths of ?llet weld made of Japanese JIS welding consumables Grade D xx Tensile strength Ue N mm Design strength pw N mm D xx D xx Table ?? Design strengths of ?llet weld made of Australian New Zealand AS NZS welding consumables Grade E xx Tensile strength Ue N mm Design strength pw N mm E xx E xx E xx Table ?? Design strengths of ?llet weld made of Chinese GB welding consumables Grade Tensile strength Ue N mm Design strength pw N mm Class pro ?led steel sheets This section covers the design parameters of Class pro ?led steel sheets The design parameters corresponding to di ?erent steel grades are given in Table Table Table Table and Table CTable ?? Design parameters of British European BS EN pro ?led steel sheets Grade S GD Design strengths py to BS Yield strength Ys N mm Tensile strength Us N mm BS - BS - Characteristic values to SS EN Basic yield strength fyb N mm Ultimate tensile strength fu N mm S GD S GD Us Ys Us S

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