Diakite diss su 1 DE LA PAGE D ? ÉCRITURE ET DU MYTHE DE L ? ANCÊTRE REBELLE LA PROBLÉMATIQUE DE L ? ÉCRIT ET DE LA PAROLE DANS LE ROMAN FRANCOPHONE OUEST AFRICAIN A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agri
DE LA PAGE D ? ÉCRITURE ET DU MYTHE DE L ? ANCÊTRE REBELLE LA PROBLÉMATIQUE DE L ? ÉCRIT ET DE LA PAROLE DANS LE ROMAN FRANCOPHONE OUEST AFRICAIN A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural college in partial ful ?llment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of French Studies by Boubakary Diakité Bachelor Université d ? Abidjan CAPES Lettres Modernes ENS d ? Abidjan Ma? trise de Lettres Modernes Université d ? Abidjan December CA ma mère Akissi Fatouma Diakité Le chemin a été long Les fruits n ? en sont point amers Merci à toi Belko pour ce sang sana origine et à tes enfants Moussokoura Siaka Abiba Djidi Mariam Hamidou Ma voix se couvre pour que la voie s ? ouvre Je me souviens Je me souviens Quelle que soit la longueur de la nuit le jour ?nit par se lever ii CA ma ?lle Mariam Fatima Diakité Merci pour ton sourire magique et tes danses d ? équilibre Merci de m ? avoir fait dé ?er le poète Qui impose le choix entre LE LIVRE ET L ? ENFANT iii C ? il n ? est d ? art de l ? interprétation que si les anciennes paroles saisies à partir du cadre symbolique qui est historiquement le leur reviennent dans notre présent pour nous a ?ecter Sans quoi elles restent lettres mortes Alexandre Leupin Dieu le Poète et la Dame ? Mélanges o ?erts à Roger Dragonetti iv CACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost I must thank my advisor Professor Adelaide Russo for her un agging support She gave me academic guidance and honored me with her friendship She never gave up even when the weight of the work made me disregard her advice I have been blessed during the process of this research with her enlightenment and her example She taught me rigor and perfectionism that she embodies so well Even though I am working towards these goals I will never thank her enough for her guidance patience direction and good cheer Without her assistance this work would have never been possible I express a tremendous gratitude to Dr Pius Ngandu Dr Alexandre Leupin and Dr Jack Yaeger for their honest remarks Their insightful comments were crucial for the ?nal editing of this dissertation I would also like to thank the Dean ? s Representative on my committee Dr Deborah Mc Innes for her very helpful insight To each one of the members of my committee I say Thank you for your ability to communicate your enthusiasm and personable spirit that I would thrive to share with others in my future life and career I would not omit to thank Assia Djebar for her assistance in the making of this dissertation and the Professor Ahmadou Koné of Goergetown University for his encouragement at the start of this process Thanks also to my family for their emotional support throughout the long and
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- Publié le Mai 10, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 644.7kB