Dogs guide enforcers www defra gov uk Dangerous Dogs Law Guidance for Enforcers CDepartment for Environment Food and Rural A ?airs Nobel House Smith Square London SW P JR Telephone Website www defra gov uk ? Crown copyright Copyright in the typographical
www defra gov uk Dangerous Dogs Law Guidance for Enforcers CDepartment for Environment Food and Rural A ?airs Nobel House Smith Square London SW P JR Telephone Website www defra gov uk ? Crown copyright Copyright in the typographical arrangement and design rests with the Crown This publication excluding the logo may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium provided that it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright with the title and source of the publication speci ?ed This document is also available on the Defra website Published by the Department for Environment Food and Rural A ?airs Cover Image Pit Bull type dog photo courtesy of the RSPCA PB March CGuidance to Enforcers General Guide The Police Local Authorities Multi- Agency Approach Annex ?? The Main Acts Dangerous Dogs Act as amended Dogs Act Animal Welfare Act Annex ?? Identifying Pit Bull Terrier PBT types Contents CGuidance to Enforcers The purpose of this guidance is to assist police forces and local authorities in dealing with incidents brought to their attention involving dangerous dogs and allegations of people owning or breeding dogs prohibited under section of the Dangerous Dogs Act It explains what the law is and assists each agency in de ?ning their responsibilities and the areas where a joint approach would be advisable The guidance has been prepared by Defra in partnership with the Association of Chief Police O ?cers ACPO representatives of local authorities and the RSPCA In preparing the guidance we have drawn on the experience of several forces who have established proven policies and procedures through good practice and developing multi-agency agreements with local authorities and the RSPCA General Guide The key legislation This guide is intended to give a brief overview of the key pieces of legislation For more detailed information see the annex at the end of this document or the Home O ?ce circulars listed at http www defra gov uk animalh welfare domestic dogs htm Dangerous Dogs Act DDA Prior to this legislation there were no criminal o ?ences available to enforcers directly to protect people from injury or fear of injury by dogs Therefore it is vital to understand that the intention of Parliament was the protection of people This Act is used to deal with the most serious incidents and generally it will be the police who instigate proceedings Section Section prohibits the ownership of certain types of dogs unless they are exempted on the Index of Exempt Dogs and was intended to have a preventative e ?ect Prosecutions can be brought before a Court based on just the physical characteristics of the dog i e what it looks like In any incident dealing with a potential prohibited dog it may be worth contacting the Index of Exempted Dogs IED for advice and guidance at an early stage on or Section Section creates a criminal o ?ence of allowing any dog i e of
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- Publié le Sep 03, 2022
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- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 70.2kB