Travel guide book My travel Name CLASS TRIP INFORMATION CTeacher s in Charge Mrs Desmoutier Mrs Dubois Thébaud Mr Veysseyre Number of participants Country England Location Nottingham State provinces cities London Nottingham Burton upon trent Currency The

My travel Name CLASS TRIP INFORMATION CTeacher s in Charge Mrs Desmoutier Mrs Dubois Thébaud Mr Veysseyre Number of participants Country England Location Nottingham State provinces cities London Nottingham Burton upon trent Currency The Pound Travel company Verdié Date s of travel From February th to February th Time s Departure at pm Arrival pm Means of Transportation Ferry and coach Accommodation Host families Homestays Meals Packed lunch Reason for travel preparing my A ?? level exam Cost per student ? Name of school The Joseph Whitaker School Nottingham Students contribution s The sale of calendars and cakes TRIP ITINERARY C In which city are you going to stay Nottingham What is it famous for exam Nottingham ?n ?t ? m is a city and unitary authority in the East Midlands of England in the ceremonial county of Nottinghamshire Nottingham is famed for its links with the legend of Robin Hood and during the Industrial Revolution obtained worldwide recognition for its lacemaking fabrication de la dentelle bicycle and tobacco industries The Nottingham Urban Area in fact has a population of approximately in the census it was the eighth largest urban area in the United Kingdom Today Nottingham is known for its strong economy nightlife shopping tourism and as a sporting centre In addition around students attend the city's two universities the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University giving the city a large student population Culturally there are two largecapacity theatres numerous museums and art galleries including the Nottingham Contemporary an independent cinema and several live music venues Being located at the heart of the UK Nottingham also has excellent transport links to the rest of the UK CALL ON BOARD Answer these questions using the past tense How did you travel What time did you go on board Where What was the name of the ship How long did the crossing last BOARDING BUOY CAPTAIN CREW CRUISE CUSTOMS FERRY PASSPORT LANDING SAFETY RULES LIFE BOAT LIFE JACKET MEETING POINT PASSENGERS FJHSLCTOHPNOXNL XSLIYLJYHDKZBLI RPAAGPEOJLMJUYF UHAFOJNONCYUKPE TUSREGNESSAPCBJ GRMEETINGPOINTA COOCSWYGIUTCHPC UUAPEINRWBAAKTK SUERSIUNUZOJSFE THCNDSERCLBUOYT OXKRSFAPCYELPAC MHAGNOHPMRFSOMR SOCAPTAINRIYMUP BVECAUYHAELBELJ GNIDNALFVFTBLGA CMONEY Useful words and expressions Nouns Coins Notes An exchange rate The currency Useful phrases How much does it cost What is the exchange rate Have you got any change monnaie Where is the currency exchange Bureau de The poundchange The currency of the United kingdom England Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland is the pound sterling There are pennies in a pound The singular of ? pennies ? is ?? penny ? The slang term ?? quid ?? is also used in informal conversation for ? pound sterling ? Prices are written in the following way p p ? ? ? The pound sign ? is always placed before the price There are eight di ?erent coins and four di ?erent notes in circulation All coins and notes bear the face of the monarch Queen Elisabeth II p ? pee ? pence penny ? Idiom ? Pennies make pounds ? p ? pee ?

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