English a literature paper 1 hl
N AXENG HP ENG TZ XX English A literature ?? Higher level ?? Paper Anglais A littérature ?? Niveau supérieur ?? Épreuve Inglés A literatura ?? Nivel superior ?? Prueba Wednesday November morning Mercredi novembre matin Miércoles de noviembre de ma? ana hours heures horas Instructions to candidates Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so Write a literary commentary on one passage only The maximum mark for this examination paper is marks Instructions destinées aux candidats N ? ouvrez pas cette épreuve avant d ? y être autorisé e Rédigez un commentaire littéraire sur un seul des passages Le nombre maximum de points pour cette épreuve d ? examen est de points Instrucciones para los alumnos No abra esta prueba hasta que se lo autoricen Escriba un comentario literario sobre un solo pasaje La puntuación máxima para esta prueba de examen es puntos pages páginas ?? ?? ?? ? International Baccalaureate Organization C ?? ?? Write a literary commentary on one of the following N AXENG HP ENG TZ XX Removed for copyright reasons C ?? ?? N AXENG HP ENG TZ XX Removed for copyright reasons Turn over Tournez la page Véase al dorso C ?? ?? N AXENG HP ENG TZ XX My Rival ? s House is peopled with many surfaces Ormolu and gilt slipper satin lush velvet couches cushions so sti ? you can ? t sink in Tables polished clear enough to see distortions in We take our shoes o ? at her door shu e stocking-soled tiptoe ?? the parquet oor is beautiful and its surface must be protected Dust cover drawn shade won ? t let the surface colour fade Silver sugar-tongs and silver salver my rival serves us tea She glosses over him and me I am all edges a surface a shell and yet my rival thinks she means me well But what squirms beneath her surface I can tell Soon my rival capped tooth polished nail will ?ght ?ght foul for her survival Deferential daughterly I sip and thank her nicely for each bitter cup And I have much to thank her for This son she bore ?? ?rst blood to her ?? never never can escape scot free the sour potluck of family And oh how close this family that furnishes my rival ? s place Lady of the house Queen bee She is far more unconscious far more dangerous than me Listen I was always my own worst enemy She has taken even this from me She dishes up her dreams for breakfast Dinner and her salt tears pepper our soup She won ? t give up Liz Lochhead A Choosing The Selected Poems of Liz Lochhead Reprinted with permission of Birlinn Limited ormolu a gold-coloured metal used in decoration and making ornaments C ?
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Fev 13, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 29.4kB