Film studies bibliography Film Studies the state of things A selective overview of resources and recent publications This version was last updated at March pages on line available at http comcom uvt nl e-view bosma pdf and www peterbosma info Compilation

Film Studies the state of things A selective overview of resources and recent publications This version was last updated at March pages on line available at http comcom uvt nl e-view bosma pdf and www peterbosma info Compilation by drs Peter Bosma Contents Part The basic library of ?lm studies ?? p ? Bibliographies of Film Research and Indexes of Film Data ? Film Lexica ? Film Encyclopaedia ? Recent Introductions Film Studies Introductions Film Theory ? a Selection of Anthologies of Film Theory ? a Selection of General Film Histories Introductions Film History ? a Selection of Film Essays and Film Criticism ? and furthermore ? ? Dutch section Part International recent ?lm research ?? p ? Film History ? Film Theory Part neighbour ?elds of research ?? p ? A Selection of Recent Introductions English Dutch ? Film and Philosophy ? Film and Anthropology ? Film and Social Theory ? Film and History ? Film literature adaptation and remakes ? Film and New Media ? Other neighbour ?elds of research Appendix Internet sources for Film Studies - p Appendix Film Studies in The Netherlands and Flanders a list of phd- thesis ?? p Introduction This compilation started as a personal project I wanted to make an inventory of recent publications in the ?eld of Film Studies Thanks to the digital magazine E-view this personal project came available worldwide I am aware of the existence of many comparable e ?orts in print or on-line My compilation is a work in progress which could be elaborated and annotated But I think my inventory still is useful and relevant ? Part One is meant to give a complete overview of the basic library of Film Studies ? Part Two o ?ers a selection of relevant recent publications of ?lm history and ?lm theory ? Part Three o ?ers an overview of the neighbour ?elds of research Many thanks to all friends who helped me to compile this overview A special salute to the book reviewers of De Filmkrant TMG and Skrien among many others For new books one goes to a bookshop or to a library ? the library of the Dutch Filmmuseum in Amsterdam http bibcat ?lmmuseum nl opc internet index html ? the library of the Royal Filmarchive in Brussels www cinematek be node description Bibliotheek ? the library of the British Film Institute in London www b ? org uk ? the Bibliothèque du Film in Paris www bi ? fr C Part The basic library of ?lm studies Bibliographies of ?lm research and indexes of ?lm data Intention to select the essential books ?? micro ?che ?? cd rom - digital databank ? Armour R Film A Reference Guide Westport Greenwood Press ? Austin B A The Film Audience An International Bibliography with Annotations and an Essay Metuchen Scarecrow ? GERMAN Bock Hans-Michael ed CineGraph - Lexikon zum deutschsprachigen Film München edition text kritik ? ? Burrows Elaine Janes Moat David Sharp Linda Wood ed The British

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