Guide to admission 2009 2010 session application for admissions and fees application forms
GUIDE TO ADMISSION SESSION APPLICATION FOR ADMISSIONS AND FEES Application Forms Requests for application forms into postgraduate degree programmes of the University are normally made every year Application Fee is determined from time to time for all postgraduate programmes excluding bank charges For further details speci ?c requirements for each programme click here or get in touch with the appropriate department Guidelines for Completing Application Forms All application forms must be completed and submitted online print a copy of the application form and photocard All M Phil Ph D Students are to contact their prospective departments for availability of vacancies supervisors Transcripts O ?cial transcripts of all degrees completed in properly sealed envelopes are expected to be mailed submitted by the applicant with the application forms Where a student ? s registrar will provide an o ?cial copy only to the school directly the applicant should ensure that the application number is indicated on the transcript To prevent delays applicants should make adequate arrangements with their registrars to provide transcript to the School of Postgraduate Studies on or before two months after application Types of Admission Full ? time Admission O ?ered only to students that are not in employment and are not undertaking full ? time studies elsewhere during the study period MBA Executive CPart ? Time Admission O ?ered to students who may be in employment and or undertaking studies elsewhere during the period of study Occasional Student Occasional degree students Candidates who satis ?es minimum entry requirements but is found to be de ?cient in speci ?c area of study Occassional Non ? Degree Student Candidate seeking attachment to do research in an area of study for speci ?c period Sta ? Candidate A full ? time member of the academic sta ? or any person engaged in academic work within the University or Associated Institution FEES Contact Bursar University of Lagos Akoka Yaba C
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- Publié le Nov 17, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 22.5kB