Understand your alphabet the introduction of a number of eurasian alphabets

Understand your Alphabet The Introduction of a Number of Eurasian Alphabets Joannes Richter Fig ?? Words which hit the Target as Feathered Arrows ? Source Champ eury Geo ?roy Tory Page - CAbstract For all of us the introduction of a new alphabet must be a mind- blowing experience which also may be accompanied with an improved historical memory and an expanding awareness Nevertheless most introductions of an alphabet belong to the legendary chapters of linguistics as the historical details will have to wait until the historians have learned to write and ?ll the records The human language makes an extensive use of ?ve independent communication channels lingual palatal guttural labial dental in which theoretically each channel in an optimized encoding system is equipped with ternary signals with three symbols Therefore a sophisticated e ?cient language is equipped with a ternary code system with letter-symbols as may be seen in the signary of the Staveless runes This essay describes a imaginary transfer of the architecture of alphabets Egyptian hieroglyphs Ancient Greek Elder Futhark and Ogham by the inventors or importers Thoth Cadmus G Wodan and Ogmios This report concentrates on the legendary handful of ?ve soldiers each of who arose from the tooth of a dragon to build the Hellenic city of Thebes but also symbolizes the ?ve independent communication channels of our voice These ?ve points of articulation which may be identi ?ed in each human body ultimately leads us to the inheritance of the Germanic gods WIT AS ??wisdom ? ? TIW AS ??justice ? from the Greek METIS ??wisdom ? ? EMIS ??justice ? and also to the foundation of the Frankish royalty which is based on the ?ve-horned Quinotaur as a symbolic forefather for the pedigree of CLOVIS I up to LOUIS XIX Ogmios was recorded by Lucian a satirical writer in nd-century Samosata in his Hercules He is described as resembling an older more tanned version of Heracles the Greek hero of strength Ogmios and Heracles both wear lion skins and carry a bow and club in their hands However Ogmios is depicted with long chains through his smiling mouth that pierce his tongue and attached to the ears of a group of men that willingly and happily follow him Fredegar c Chronicarum quae dicuntur Fredegarii scholastici libri IV cum continuationibus In Krusch Bruno ed Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum Monumenta Germaniae Historica Vol Hannover Hahn published p Retrieved January bistea Neptuni Quinotauri similis eam Page - CIntroduction For all of us the introduction of a new alphabet must be a mind-blowing experience which also may be accompanied with an improved historical memory and an expanding awareness Nevertheless most introductions of an alphabet belong to the legendary chapters of linguistics as the historical details will have to wait until the historians have learned to write and ?ll the records In my professional study for Master of Science in Electrical Engineering studied Communication Systems Since I studied the historic evolution of the linguistic systems as a hobby The

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