Parga guide Parga Epirus Parga by Greeka com Information about villages beaches sightseeing restaurants activities and more All the information in this guide is sorted by popularity For more information please visit our section of Parga on Greeka com What
Parga Epirus Parga by Greeka com Information about villages beaches sightseeing restaurants activities and more All the information in this guide is sorted by popularity For more information please visit our section of Parga on Greeka com What is Greeka com Greeka com is just the most popular website about Greece and the Greek Islands What to do after you trip Just visit www greeka com and write about your experience rate the locations you visited and upload your pictures Think before you print And if you print print double-sided CIndex of Parga Map About Parga Villages Parga Beaches Town Beach Valtos Sightseeing Venetian Castle Castle Of Anthousa Credits CMap of Parga Organize your trip to Parga Greeka com can also help you organize your entire holiday in Parga Thousands of people use our services every year You can use Greeka com to - Buy your ferry tickets online - Book your car rentals - Organize your transfers by taxi and bus - Create a custom island hopping package - Visit Greek areas in an organized tour Parga p CParga Guide About Parga Parga is a small town placed on the northwestern coast of Greece with approximately inhabitants Its main feature is its beautiful surrounding Parga is ideal for relaxing and strolling around although it gets a little busier in summer Its history started many centuries ago Due to some archaeological ?ndings it is believed that Parga has been inhabited since the Neolithic times However Parga appears more clearly in the greek history since the Byzantine times Along its history the city has been conquered by the Venetians who built the castle of Parga and has been destroyed by pirates It has also been under the rule of the Russians and the British who ?nally sold it to Ali Pasha in the th century the residents moved to the close by island of Corfu to avoid the cruelty of the Turks and returned to their birthplace after the liberation of Greece in However Parga became part of the Greek state a century later in An interesting archaeological site to visit in Parga is its Venetian castle which lies on top of a hill This castle has some interesting Venetian and Turkish features and o ?ers a picturesque view of the ceramic rooftops of the houses and the bay of Parga Apart from archaeological sites Parga also has beautiful scenery A large portion of the greenery surrounding the town consists of huge olive trees planted by the Venetians in the th century In fact the olive oil production consists a major income for its inhabitants The houses of Parga are amphitheatrically built scattered along a sheltered bay Although Parga is not an island you could say that it does have a certain island vibe Moreover Parga has developed many tourist facilities along these last years Most restaurants o ?er traditional homemade greek food and there are many places to stay from camping areas and rooms to rent to luxurious hotels The
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