Nowele supplement series john ole askedal hans frede nielsen erik w hansen alexandra holsting flemming talbo stubkjaer early germanic languages in contact john benjamins publishing company 20

Early Germanic Languages in Contact NOWELE Supplement Series NSS issn - NOWELE Supplement Series is a book series associated with the journal NOWELE North-Western European Language Evolution The supplement series is devoted not only to the study of the history and prehistory of a locally determined group of languages but also to the study of purely theoretical questions concerning historical language development The series contains publications dealing with all aspects of the pre- histories of ?? and with intra- and extra-linguistic factors contributing to change and variation within ?? Icelandic Faroese Norwegian Swedish Danish Frisian Dutch German English Gothic and the Early Runic language The series will publish monographs and edited volumes For an overview of all books published in this series please see http benjamins com catalog nss Editors Erik W Hansen University of Southern Denmark Hans Frede Nielsen University of Southern Denmark Advisory Editors John Ole Askedal University of Oslo Michael Barnes University College London Rolf H Bremmer Jr Leiden University Volkert F Faltings Universit? t Flensburg Hans Fix Universit? t Greifswald Kurt Gustav Goblirsch University of South Carolina Alexandra Holsting University of Southern Denmark Henrik Galberg Jacobsen University of Southern Denmark Sara M Pons-Sanz University of Westminster London Jürg R Schwyter University of Lausanne Volume Early Germanic Languages in Contact Edited by John Ole Askedal and Hans Frede Nielsen Early Germanic Languages in Contact Edited by John Ole Askedal University of Oslo Hans Frede Nielsen University of Southern Denmark In collaboration with Erik W Hansen Alexandra Holsting Flemming Talbo Stubkj? r John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam? ? ?? ? ? ??Philadelphia TM The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the? ? American National Standard for Information Sciences ?? Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials ansi z - doi nss Cataloging-in-Publication Data available from Library of Congress lccn print e-book isbn isbn Hb e-book ? ?? John Benjamins B V No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print photoprint micro ?lm or any other means without written permission from the publisher John Benjamins Publishing Co P O Box me Amsterdam The Netherlands John Benjamins North America P O Box Philadelphia pa - usa table of contents table of contents Editorial Introduction vii Entlehnung und Urverwandtschaft im vorliterarischen germanischen Wortschatz Elmar Seebold The Stratigraphy of the Germanic Loanwords in Finnic Petri Kallio Baltisch Slavisch Germanisch ?? Kontakte und Beziehungen aus der Sicht der Onomastik Jürgen Udolph Gothic Contact with Greek Loan Translations and a Translation Problem Magnús Sn? dal Gothic Contact with Latin Gotica Parisina and Wul ?la ? s Alphabet Magnús Sn? dal Die langobardischen Sprachreste in Italien und ihr Beitrag zur Kenntnis des langobardischen Konsonantismus Carla Falluomini What is Visigothic and What is Frankish in Medieval and Later Spanish Ingmar S? hrman Zwei ??neue ? Inschriften aus Frankreich im Kontext der Ausbreitung norditalischer Alphabete Markus Egetmeyer v table of contents Onomastik und Deonomastik im keltisch-germanischen Sprachkontakt Ludwig Rübekeil Norse-English Runic Contacts Michael P Barnes Identifying and Dating

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